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Dick and Brownie


Word Count: 3319    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

was stolen from me, and I'm going to

To have been so near Dick and then to have missed him, was almost more than he could

ne man, quietly. They none of them liked Tom Smith, and most of them

away," suggested

llenly. "What should he run

. "It seems to be his way, by the look of him just now. D

len, and I'd give five shillings to kn

rt with five shillings, but he did want to find Dick, and

ere turned in that direction. A young man, a stranger to all there, was standing leaning eagerly towards Tom Smith, h

le I'm going to hand over five shillings now! How do I know you knows anything about the dog; what one I means, or wh

ing with a short tail, and he goes about with a girl, and he's

's cruel eyes light

l with him? a kid ab

sure? Why, 'twas

age want to steal a dog for

e other, rudely. "I'll give 'ee another shilling i

gle qualm of conscience. "We'd better start; 'tis about

did not relish the prospect of a four miles' tramp. "I've

ung about the public-house, enjoying himself doing nothing. Her round was a long one, and few people seemed tempted t

itchen felt herself safe from all danger. She little dreamed that at that moment the three per

fore they got there Bob Thorp would have thrown up the job, if he had not wanted the money so badly. For the whole of

om you," remarked Bob at last, losing all pa

atch her trying it on, that's all," he said, threateningly, a

Tom drove the van into a field,-where they had no possible right to be, and poor tired Cha

hed the top of Woodend Lane, There Bob Thorp drew up,

b'lieve, besides the girl and the dog. I'd better keep away, 'cause they knows me, leastways the girl does,

pocket, "and, thank 'ee, I'll manage the rest, and I'd better manage it alone. I don't want t

t last he had put it into Bob's hand, the latter turned abruptly away,

eer himself by chinking his money in his pocket, and planning how he would spend it. All the way he went he seemed to see again Huldah's pained, sorrowful face, as she knelt in the road beside her dog, and tried to shelter him w

ave to live with that fellow," he muttered to him

ome and to bed, to be out of the way. So he went to sleep, and tried to forget wha

hould be. Should he be civil and friendly, or should he just go in and frighten them all? As he stood there debating he looked like some mean beast of prey, waiting to spring on his victim. A cheerful light shone out

he fat of the land with the money that they bring. My baskets, I calls 'em. It's sheer thieving! A

r, he strode up the path and knocked heavily on the door. Instantly the voices and the laughter ceased. There was a sprin

ejoiced. It gave him the greatest pleasure al

mith, and I've come after that

e, nor was th

l fetch the police for you! p

and even more so for Dick. She knew that her "uncle" would not go within a mile of a policeman if he could help

and Tom Smith was in the kitchen. With one well-aimed kick he sent Dick into the furthest corner, and with equally sure aim he seized Huldah by the wrist. "Now, you come alo

rs. You've no-right-to her." Her face was grey white, her hea

come along. If you makes any noise, I'll turn the p'lice on the old lady there, for harbouring thieves and receiving stolen

eaded. "Promise not-to beat them." It seemed to her impossible to resist

ss, her work, Mrs. Perry, Miss Rose,-all to go back to the old torture? Oh no, it could not be. She could never bear it! Mr

tic. "I am not going.

ake me. I am not your

come and

ner and came towards her. He seemed to realise that his l

"uncle," and dealt her another s

the chair, and with the same Tom Smith picke

ttle sang and boiled and bubbled over, the supper burnt in the pan, the fire died down, and still that sensel

ened her eyes again. At first she was dazed, and her mind a blank, then the open door, the

ingly to her feet she picked up her shawl, and wrapping it over her head and shoulders, sh

h, she made her way up the lane. She must find Miss Rose. Miss Rose must know, Miss Rose would help t

ashy face, as she thought of those tw

she went her pleadings beat at Heaven's gate for the two poor waifs she so loved. "Dear

m or Huldah's sobs; then again she thought she heard Dick's bark, and each time she stopped and listened, and gazed into the darkness, but presently the loneliness and darkness so oppressed her that she could not brin

frightened frantic knock, and as she opened it Ma

y-and Dick too! Help me-to-" then, as they raised her and c

g beside her. "Huldah! where's my Huldah?" she cried

with you to-morrow, I hope. We have sent to the police; they are to take the matter up, and see it through, and we hav

oping, expecting every moment that someone would overtake them and save her, straining her ears to hear help coming,-and then, at last, in utter hopeless despa

r heart. Perhaps, oh, perhaps, Huldah and Dick might manage again to escape! If they did, they would go to her, surely! Of course she should be at home to receive them! She tol

through the open door. For a moment hope leaped in their hearts, then a glance round

eth with the morning.' Now I am going to make up a good fire, and I will read to

and fell evenly, soothingly; for more than an hour she read on, unwearied, never faltering, selecting all the most helpful and comforting passages she could find; and by-and-by Martha Pe

ays alert for a sound outside. Her hearing grew so strained that over and over again she thought she heard footsteps coming, Huldah's quick, brisk step and Dick's pat-pat patter; again and

, turning presently to a glorious fiery radiance, as the sun rose

her eyes. "Oh, Miss Rose, I've been asleep, and left

a. I had this," layin

d nearer me than ever

help us, I know. I fee

d this

itchen, as though expecting to see Huldah hiding somewh

ul. She has the blessed gift of making the best of what can't be helped, and she has a wonderful f

d out, and even her timid, doubting heart

'" quoted Miss Rose, softly, as they stood there t

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