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You are mine.

Chapter 3 I love you Aaron

Word Count: 1525    |    Released on: 30/09/2022

hion. Laila picked the frame up and it contain three people, a man, a woman and a small boy at their middle. Taking a close look at the photo, yo

air Aaron is very scary and ruthless”she said wondering how to try calm someone who don’t allow someone to even speak. “ Will you get the fuck out of my room” Aaron said for Laila to gasp after coming back to present. “ Aaron, I want to say something to you” Laila said for Aaron to remove his blazer. “Go to your room, I will meet you there” Aaron said for Laila to walk towards him hugging him from behind. “ Laila, I don’t want to be rude to you, respect yourself now” Aaron release her hand which make Laila to lay on his bed. “ I’m not leaving, I want to talk in…. “ RESPECT YOURSELF WOMAN!!”Aaron aggressively said for Laila to stand up immediately and rushed out of his room. She has never been scared in her life like that, his face expression, the aura he possesses, the way he speak all change in a matter of seconds. How can someone change just in a blink. Can she do this, can she tamed this aggressive wolf. Laila burst into cry as she was still shocked and scared of Aaron. Aaron took a deep breath after he chased Laila away from his room. He removed his shirt and belt before sitting down on his bed. He hates when someone object his words, who did she think she is because he allows her to come to his mansion, have sex that’s why she thinks she can try to tamed him.Tamed. Aaron scoffed,. Aaron went down his stairs barefoot as he walked to his bar cabinet and took a wine bottle and wine glass, he pour the wine into the wine glass and drank it in a go. After few minutes, he walk to Laila room, he open the door and walk into the room. Laila was still scared of him so she just fold herself on the bed. “ what do you want to talk about?” Aaron asked for Laila to sit up cleaning her tears as she stand up and walked towards him. Laila have decided whether he act cold, aggressive or ruthless to her she won’t back down. Laila hugged Aaron so tight. “ I love you Aaron” she said waiting for reply but the man just stood there all stiff and strong. After few minutes, he removed her from his body. “ you can’t love me Laila “ Aaron said as she was about to kiss him he stop her. “ please Aaron, I love you, I want to be with you, let me be your woman Aaron and make you…. “ you can’t make me happy, you aren’t qualified. I must say our sex are good but I can’t give anything more than that” Aaron said and walk away. Laila sat down on the bed in tears. It’s just the sex, just the sex.. the world keeps replaying in her head as she burst in

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