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Chapter 5 Memories Of The Past.

Word Count: 961    |    Released on: 05/10/2022

y kind? He's so handsome.' Amira thought in her head while washing the dishes in the kitchen waiti

her, that is if they would be kind enough to give her food at the moment to free he

ning. Though, she has gotten used to it, and she's al

o serve herself. Anything that prompts her to do so, she will be pushed out to the street, and Amira gats nowhere to go.

d on Amira while in a deep slumber after waiting for Sara her stepmom to give her

Amira startle in her dull voice as it was late at the time. She ha

he night. Not caring about the fact it was about to rain judging from the thunder that was rumbling a

going through true pain. And she was happy after learn

ry in her husband's room, and she approached t

ther way round, and she quickly walk dow

surprised to the core. She stood like a statue with her mouth wide op

as behind as he moan his late wife. He seemed so lost to realize that Sara was standing behind him and all he

hild? Please, come back to me, my love. I don't need a child. We'd just live together happily. Just the two o

t in delusion like the frustrated man he was. So embarrassing and a

was your fault because we would have been together if not for that useless child of yours. I must make sure that she goes through every pain you have afflicted on me. In

g in her heart. She wanted to hit him so badly. But she took a sincere breath and stood stil

ore she could hold herself, tears were rolling down her eyes. And she couldn't say a word or know what exactly to say to her husband, so s

eing her husband of 8years crying and beggin

led out of the world, as she walk

like she would fall over at any

er check, gripping it tightly. But She became very rebellio

She thought to herself as she pla

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