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Dangerous game: Billionaire of heinous crime

Chapter 7 My dad

Word Count: 834    |    Released on: 20/10/2022

iosity and fear; thinking about the scary things she has experienced before, silence becomes a means of self-defense. Seeing the little girl's

y, why didn't you

ng the lapis lazuli sparkle behind her eyes, instinct

iful, I'm afraid. I will g

ple used to assemble temporarily, not even a mattress, only a blanket that c

ade Butler's heart

change it for more beautiful ones. All the beautiful clothes in the room are also the lady's, and those toys a

and at last, a look of worry and fear appeared

dy will not be well, Mr. Valtor will be heartbroken fo

nd he knows that the young master is born with a cold and authoritari

hat and nodded obedie


herwood, is your

y's tiny voice. Thinking of her adoptive


not very affectionate, although he looks cold, but I think he loves

hrank back. She didn't quite underst

hough the owner of this castle is Mr. Valtor, he rarely comes here, sometimes only comes back once ev

uzzled and, after a long time, asked: "Does

aid softly: "Lady Darcy Sherly's new father loves flowers in the

t nodded; she only knew that the snow-li

astle, and the big


ng like a fairy tale, a small body i

o be having a nightmare. Her seal was tight,

room, hazy, silvery like water, and again reflected the tall figure of the man sitting

Darcy Sherly's collarbone, the butto

h young skin revealed old and n

t move anymore but just

r head and sobbed, like a helpless l

fingers resting on the furrowed eyelids. Her face was

ht, it revealed

int scent of perfume in the air, like her cheeks and lips.

; there was also the old father who looked at her with greedy eyes. When he couldn't do anything

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