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Dangerous game: Billionaire of heinous crime

Chapter 10 Mr. Valtor won't be happy!

Word Count: 1876    |    Released on: 20/10/2022

once, her classmates were all scared, open

g, scary!" The fat girl looked like she saw a ghost

ll face in displeasure, standi

Snow White princess lives,

that in that castle there are scary g

rning with anger! Although she was scared by the incident this morning, in her heart,

le, a boy's childi

hosts in that castle? I

tes hurried

e boy, and from the precious clothes on his body, one can recognize the noble family background. He was covered

specially the chubby girl who was scr

on his thick hair, reflecting a beautiful halo. Those five profound sens

her students, and said: "If you don't see it with your ow

, her eyes had a mixture of shame and anger. The little girl was disgruntled and said: "I am not

rmured and nodded thei

denly bellowing, "My adoptive father is the

with anger, so scary that it made the other students retreat. In partic

ing that, the girl pouted and left. The other students did

d after a long time, her angry eyes soft

and suddenly reached out and pulled her long hair wi

ting!" His voice was very soot

from his fingertips. She narrowed her eyes a littl

y, Darcy Sherly, I just came out to he

, the golden sunlight shining on his bright

e hesitantly ans

nally managed to get her attention. Only then, with a satisf

couldn't understand, glazed

er." The boy rep

ly thought

delicious food, and even go to school. All of this was given to her by her adoptive father; although

his arms around the girl's shoulders, "Don't worry, they still dare to dan

er like that. Although she did not know all of her classmates

art, and blinked his eyelashes slightly,

fifth grader, but how

ou ask me what your name is?" Th

ken aback. Why shoul

e features revealed a teasing smile. He gently stroked her lo

the name sound

d saw a smile in the boy's eyes; deep inside

o have become the guardian god of Darcy Sherly. Not only will he find her whenever he has free time, but he will also be by her side at

y. Although her friends are not many, just one Hell Mastiff see

be slowly goi

ly, little D

sat next to Darcy Sherly, "Hey, I ate four cups of banana ice cream today,

sweetness of the ice cream spread in her mouth. This was her fav

r yo

astiff's lips and tilted her head; with her,

like to eat these s

like sweets, especially ice cream; it's hard to


t as sugar candy, pleading as if she were

ed the sticky cream on his lips, m

tiff laug

he trees, the sunlight penetrated through the

eyes of the man sitting in the car; the eyes stopped dark and scary, exuding

e clouds, hazy, spreading faint light coveri

deep eyes shone. His figure is so tall, just look

adapt to school activities, laughs more, and

g Darcy Sherly. After saying that, the thief looked at the tall man

arcy Sherly, it seemed to have returned several times more of

erstand the youn

ght and the dark, the handsome five senses five handsome on the gl

p, saying that it is a waste of effort to hide, so he can only carefully present: "Miss Darcy S

an to spread in the air, like a cold mist pervading

poke, his voice devoid of any human emotion, "Let

ler couldn't help but worry a


more?" In the sunlight, little Darcy Sherly's small f

invite the best teachers t

to study in th

ranged the best school

to get out of K

being, but Lady Darcy S

ll you co

Darcy Sherly t

ourteen years old, now she was only eight years o

r head bowed, butler Darkar Sherwood hear

ead, her beautiful eyes r

my father who doesn

give Lady Darcy Sherly the best education th

and she was afraid of being abandoned again. She carefully aske

ood's face, and he said hastily: "Lady Darcy Sherly, f


rkar Sherwood warned, "Mr

rrowed, and her doubt deepens. She discovered that there

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