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The Incest

The Incest


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 783    |    Released on: 26/10/2022


cest/ They’re not really sibli

. She acted like a spoiled brat and po

shook my head, and ex

and stared crazily at m

ith her as I said, "because you are not a ba

ut I have seen you in the shower with that girl?! And you have no prior knowledge of her! Bu

oint her, so I finally

s, leaving me completely speechless! I couldn't have imagined a thirteen-year-old girl having a body li

as under the impression that your body was still quite petite, but—"

that she was facing me and asked, "what do you mean?" Then she said,

and arched her ass while saying,

t was both gentle and innocent, and saying, "and there are few hairs

able to see what her words were doing to me. That is not correct

th now! ", which caused her to startle a little

ething by repeating those words to myself, or if I was

instructed me to "take

aised both of my

on't forget!" She was perplexed by the responses I gave. I am aware of this, but she was unaware that the

ixture and calmly remarked, "Oh no. I wo

le she stabbed the bathtub with her litt

aid, "okay. howe

standing on my own two feet, and I ha

er with me. I'm the one he loves more than his girlfriend." I couldn't believe what she was

look before askin

d, "yes

ires that were ready to burn me: "brother, do you want me to d

ongue seemed to get tangled

osing my cool, "no, you are n

placed it on her breasts before asking

cest/ They’re not really sibli

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