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The Incest

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1841    |    Released on: 26/10/2022


to contain my screams and that I was instead praising Jack "wow, Jack! I look adorable! Thank you very much

eyes off of you because you have the appearance

he can't see me in the same light as a lady. It's just that he prefers other p

aware that it's not easy for any man to recognize his younger sister. Don't hold it against him. It's possible that he is fully aware of your stunning beau

can't let myself fall in love with my sibling. However, let's face it: back in

elieve in God! But I am also someone who believes in love. And if God believes that falling in love with one's brot

'm such a pushy and crazy girl is because I keep telling myself that I can win him over and make him mine. I am aware that there is

n make me feel better is if I'm with

woman who will adore him o

he moon that shines brightly even when the night is at its darkest. He is both a source of motivat

se that matters. To put an end to this tormen

able of conceiving of the fact that I love him not in the capacity of my older brother but as my lover. But

lly this

s my own, and it is for this reason that Jack and I have spe

there were times when I gave some thought to telling him the truth about

ut of his life for good. I am confident that he will not treat me in such a cruel manner, but it is poss

s, or the possessive manner in which he treats me, is one

ging out with my pals. This merely demonstrates to me

e another. Yes, he brought me up from the time I was a child until I was twelve years

ngers crossed that my str

tter of dressing you up. I want to see how you look in that sexy dress. Show it to me. And let's go. It is impo

side and showed him my seductive body while asking him, "so, wh

aid, "well, I think you might pass with that

I despise you, Jack, for br

ith you earlier. There is no doubt whatsoever that you will prevail this tim

e so, but if I'm being completely honest, I

ew boyfriend is better than Esteban, why don't you be with him and forget about Esteban? If you think that

to some extent. This is something

n. It was never about how pretty or handsome you were when it came to love. Wh

ore him even more and yearn for him even more. But

r other men. They were all perfect, but I think

he is a man. The difference between him and my cu

o has always been an idiot. Dumkopf beha

t to be wi

t. "I love Esteban. In my heart, there will never be room for anyone else but him.

k, where are you at this very moment?" When I called Derek, he picke

ery soon. Do you need a ride anywhere, and d

esidence. Don't go in there without checking with me first.

late. Already, I find myself missing you a g

ll, I can't stand to be around that guy. Or p

s that I want to crash Esteban's party and

brand-new hot boyfriend, I'm curious

going to make for on

ead over heels. Tonight, I have the distinct impres

God, to be

ver the phone without ever

joy my harsh treatment of him, I can only assume that he is some kind of undercover agent.

eban. If I started screaming at Esteban, h

to display my poor attitude, he became incr

eats me with such compassion

ou will enjoy everything that person does to you. Y

lieve th

et's get moving. Derek is cur


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