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Alpha's money-making mission

Chapter 2 iron law

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 27/10/2022

ety. Moreover, his appearance is arbitrary. He makes people feel like he's trying so hard, and it's like holding back, can't guess. On the other hand, from the collected documents, Kevin

this round? Jack Anderson thought he felt that this person, although

looked over, then saw the other person looking around, so

to go to the

ive?" People hesitated. "Is

and quickly accepted the situation in front of them, but Kevin Harley just

led, and said, "It's okay, if yo

e forgotten the r

eyebrow, "You just need to force people to sa

a second. "Is this okay?

just drew a lost path. "If you can't do it, g

what if there's

away and slowly passed by, casually

m, waited a moment, saw him go a long wa

only feeling that the new world gate was slowly opening to them; a moment later,

ave when he saw a public phone booth; he thought for a moment, this time, if he didn't get first p

dy separated by now. I don't know where they want to rob. That group of people know that they are gangsters at first glance. I don't dare to hear much, but I feel

Kevin Harley is so comfortable; is it possible to have friends here?

a place, suddenly stopped, took a few steps back, assessed this store

ooked at the sign,

early in the morning. Kevin Harley walked around a

the other side of the road, looking at the giant burger he bought from th

ing; outside, the restaurant has a porch built, blocking some sunlight, making the door window open, not glare. From this angle, you

gentle smile, like a warm boy who has been cared for since childhood, but

ample, in a corporation, there are also good Beta and Omega on the middle floor, so Kevin Harley can overcome t

iddle, and Omega is sensitive, weak, natural conditions and pa

ard this "iron law," and each of them is exceptionally excellent; so now, just seeing this kind of person, there will be countless o

ut he has felt it very clearly. It was in the second round, at that time in a critical situation, Kevin Harley's violent breath in the blink of an eye made people panic. He refl

gender, the more he knew that this type of person was not simple, but before that, he had never heard the na

while with the waiter, then got up to leave. The shopping street gradually became bustling; h

d street and entering a luxurious cafe; he immediately wondered if they had come to zo

ssed the strange hallucination and continued to watch Kevin Harley, thinkin

the following table, and politely asked to borrow them. His gestures were correct, and his smile was gentle. He quickly borrowed it, an

attention? He just felt that things were finally going into orbit, then saw Kevin Harley finish the c

ace by the roadside to rest, pulled for a moment, then tore off a corner of the map, folded it into a s

him, then threw down ten coins; Kevin Harley was pleased,


r a few seconds; he was still inactive; for them, the night was the best time to take action; Ke

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