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Alpha's money-making mission

Chapter 7 Is she out yet

Word Count: 1675    |    Released on: 27/10/2022

wn upon." His voice was shallow, and John Sherwood could barely hear it nearby. He still didn't like Tom Robert, so he

orners of his mouth curled up, and

girls in front of him quickly saw him, showing surprise at the same time; the other girl smiled an

arm. "Am I right?" With a faint smile in his eyes, J

y moved away, and the rest of the young ladies knew that they co

Sherwood come too? I thought he

enery? Who knows what big char

; after a while, someone suddenly asked, "Tell me, can

hink about it; I

, there was an Alpha who couldn't help but instinctively want to protect Omega, but ru

went to another place to collect information, then

shing into her nose; even her "attractant" was drowned out; he whispered, frowned, politely said, "Ma'am, please show

did not stop, his heart suddenly flashed a terrible suspicion, instructing the perso

e, remained silent for a second, and continued to open it; inside was the envelope again; he s


ce the younger master passed away, the master tormented himself for five years and finally devised a way to use the dawn marriage to ultimately affirm the relationsh

ld sweat broke out on his forehead, and he quickly s

kly passed through the crowd and ran straight into the building; he turned his head and saw the other subordinate entering the building; fol

half step back and narrowed hi

door, blinking a few times, looking at hi

this girl, and he coldly said, "I

vin Harley thought of something and looked at him with concern. "Or y


e to be loose in front of him; his pupils immediately darken, a

ortant. I feel you ha

tared at her. "


I fell in love with you at first sight." John Sher

ooked at each other. Two seconds later, Kevin Harley reached o


his movements were not natural, making people feel nothing but a feeling of vomiting. When he felt sick,

ced, stepping forward half a

filled with anticipation like he co

if he passed, this girl would take the opportunity to rub his body, grab his

she felt friendly, and her movements were disgusting, but in her gestures, she revealed a vag

e is determin

nd growing disgusted, he glanced at her,

a long time nearby, and were about to go to the toilet to ch

and his voice was so cold that it

, no, no, it's OK. You do your thing, I'm just passing by… just passing

at the subordinate was successfully intimidated by John Sherwood's lousy mood, laughed lightly, and slowly walke

e bathroom to find out t

re not bad, but the disgusting Beta girl, in the face of his bad mood, i

k person. Could that Beta belong to this group of people? He recalled all kinds of her actions, th

ore he left, he called the wrong subordinate to watch her, waited for her to come

ers, stood outside, and when they saw hi

hummed. "Is

t y

immediately or

but found the inside empty, without half a figure. He

dow, he discovered a very faint footprint; he said in a low voice, "Go out and see if there is any female Beta wearing a black d


say another word, tur

d the whole building was engulfed in light, looking extremely splendid.

iage, it's not good to be too exaggerated, and some people don't even know how to face Tom Robert. If you say, please hold back the pain, peopl

e what the big guys had t

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