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Alpha's money-making mission

Chapter 3 Are you sitting alone

Word Count: 806    |    Released on: 27/10/2022

ing all kinds of extraordinary actions of the other man. He had long been paralyzed; he swore in his heart if Kevin Harley still s

love. Kevin Harley entered the high-end bar he had passed before, and at the corner of his mouth he drew a smile and slowly entered. The bar is enormous a

g at other tables was charged extra, so he cho

oached, "Hello sir, what

the wine menu and aske

ssed the unruly Alpha, and flip

ought, waiting for the future to return to the corporation; he must send a few ju

expensive cocktail, drinking, and absentmindedly sweeping his eyes around; he is wearing a white shirt and jeans; even in the dim l

interest; it was an Alpha; at a glance, he was full of youth; most likely, he was the younger master o

vin Harley's lip

drink togeth


iscovered that this person was extraordinarily self-controlled but very well-educated. Moreover, a lot of knowledge, obviously, a

come here for a few days." Kevin Harl

claims to be a Beta. His speaking and gestures show that his family background isn't trivial. Who knows if there's any force behind him? It

led, and said, "I heard ther

ed, "But he wants to marry the dead. I don't know why he su

The younger master said, "… I heard that these two are c

Harley paused. "Stop me

ce, it sounds like he knows the boss of the other gangster; this prey is likely to be unto

all me Kevin, h

arefully; next, he said both his and his father's words. Kevin Harley looked up, think

d immediately understood that he didn't see himself at all; he couldn't help

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