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The Princess of the Knights

Chapter 3 we should take off our armor first

Word Count: 1370    |    Released on: 30/10/2022

her madly and continued to touch h

g happened. Her eyes were burning, and her he

ill only hur

She softened and sighed; her hard body couldn't hold it for long. Riftan

d against each other. She felt his

nd then suddenly seeing a golden statue. Is this the feeling of just pouring the liquid heated

Breathe in

her back trembled under his touch. Unconsciously, she spread her legs


n fear as he pinned her down, locking his lips. She could not escape. His chest pressed again

s… it hurts…

e too

consciously curled up because the pain was gone, he groaned sof

move…” He sudde

ense pain enveloping her body.

ve, pleas

hing. He clutched her waist as if it was going to crumble and then began to

middle of a big wave. Her mind gradually became dreamy. What is he doin


ve, hot air rising. His shoulders moved erratically as he breathed. When Max regained consciousness, a st

y is she

face, she felt his wet tongue brush over her cheeks. She immediately turn


didn't understand, giving her goosebumps. He kissed th

. Like it or not, s

it. Again, she helplessly accepted.

he regained consciousness at noon. When he had set off, the nurse told her that the priest had

the Lexos on behalf of the Duke of Cross. Max never thought the two of you were

Her father's voice kept ringing in her ears like a terrifying tune, "Make it clear to Calyp

lue was in the middle. What should I say? To


The more she stepped back, the closer her husband drew

sgusting! You think I'm a hideous monster?" Every

ain. Max's eyes blurred; They had been reunited for less than five minutes, and he was al

will. Please, say something.

so nervous..so-don't

licable stinging-like tears. But she couldn't cry like a

Her tongue was more stubborn than usual. She felt a great humiliation and could no longer see him in

kept my mouth shut, she thought sullenly. A woman who stutters like a


ght; no one on the continent wanted to marry her. How dare she ask this man to

ment, she felt the coldness in her cheeks that frightened her. A

spoke softly, almost w

's dark eyes, as dark as night before him. He sighed as if trying to be

ot tongue into her mouth. Max suddenly took hi

startling words: “Damn it… we s

zy as Riftan pulled her back. The two of them were still standing awkwardly, and the next second

inctively grabbed the corner of his shirt. He kissed her again, continuing to take o

it hard to breathe at his every movement. When she was about to faint from


ing over her face and neck and down to her chest. As she squirmed in confusion, he pushed her dow

tan…!” M

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