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The Princess of the Knights

Chapter 4 She is my wife

Word Count: 1570    |    Released on: 30/10/2022

looked at the gallery door in bewilderment. She thought frantically, why woul

ionately while he pressed his erect body between her legs. Max exclaimed in surprise. Whenever he rubbed slowly ov

straightened, hastily clutching his loose robe to cover her exposed skin. It was then that she realized s

g like a mouse!" Rift

nic. The man in front of his anger looked embarras

I just want to knock on the door, as always, beca


Max looked behind her husband, looking at him with pleading eyes. Don't leav

me outside. You said you didn

ly replied, “Tel

lpless. "Don't do

at Riftan, who was scratching his back hard and looked at her intensely. His

again." Then he paused and added, “Damn…

at her fingers that were interlaced. He sto

you? The car is waiting outs

e left as quickly as he came; she was n

e forgot to fix his outfit, or inst


ow. First ask the servant to deliver her lugga

ook a moment; her eyes flashed with conf


y items.” He spoke softly now, different

ickly fixed her messy dress and pulled her up. Then he called the servant standing outsi

lt ske

necessary. We canno

I won't take any more. I can brin

l buy more things you need

ut of the gallery. He strode so quickly that Max almost had to run to

your es

't it strange that a poor, lowly knig

n himself. My last name is also yours. You shou

ht, he hurried downstairs into the large garden, not wanting to explain further. Next to the majestic f

ise. A few of the knights glanced at Max behind Riftan,

turned around. “What else is she do

must have been waiting

. He took her hand and pulled h

ay, I still have to ask permission?

ar. The look on Max's face still didn't stop being confused, "My wife," he said… and yet

m her, shouting at the people outside, and

had imagined countless times reuniting with her husb

thought to himself, wide eyes look

, looking so calm, as if he hadn't just pulled her away at

arry a daughter of the royal famil

ost, repeating his words repeatedly. Bu

a famous magician and one of the expediti

falling in love was rumored throughout the city. Those who spread thi

ftan, and powerful m

e priest presiding over their marriage would think so. Who wouldn't realize that this was because D

hy is

is nonchalant expression, probably formed from the austere battle, gave off an unapproachable feeling. The ruff

blonde curls and blue eyes were as deep as the ocean. There was no doubt that if t

a small low nose, and an odd-looking face due to her large eyes. Her nose was flecked with freckles like dus

that he does not want to marry her. Maybe he wants me

ed back at her. Meeting his sharp gaze, Max quickly lowered his

me, hide your displeasure. I don't want to have

w agitated, “Oh, no! I don't feel uncom

rible face!” He then

nervous at the embarrassment, she didn't realize she was looking at h

situation," he pointed to b

e. It's just that he doesn't kno

o. But now she is my wife, and I must take her with me for the rest of my life, as

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