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The Princess of the Knights

Chapter 5 Tell me, do you like it or not

Word Count: 1276    |    Released on: 30/10/2022

fe… W-you're tal

face made him change, angr

God's will that husband and wife will li

his neck. She couldn't believe it. Someone like

he thought he hadn't heard about his marriage to the princess. Whatever he me

sacred, I don't understand why a noble lady like you i

ou mean, i

d completely forgot her duty. Don't think

ould he accuse her of that? Right after the

to care about her defense, so she added, “I-I never f

even though she was already Lady Calypse. She just likes to stay in her father's lavi

rted l

who would give up her high position to protect her hus

that he couldn't refute his alarming accusations.

this marriage, she must win ba

don't know? Where is it? An

before I went to war. If I die, you will inherit the land I rule! The Duchess of the duked

ng. He had no reason to lie to her in the fi

n't know… ev

leave.” He said bitterly, causi

ese past three years." Riftan was always aware of scornful gl

aximillian though

ng about this? You think I'll hi

w. After that, when I woke up, he was

, like a sheep about to be on the cutting board, Max waited for him to speak

The obvious thing about a married woman is to head to her husban

rriage, as he said, the truth was that she did not take it too

y got married, after all, to sacrifi

she's p

grossed in thought,

pregnant?" He uttered sarcastic words that changed her color. Their i

heir marriage, she still found it difficu

led with fear. However, her sudden change of attitude caught

the wal

e like that! Giving birth

tan suddenly became strangely calm and silent… The movement was swift; he suddenly put his hand on

und ,” shouted outside

ng the smoke from his cigar. He kept looking at his arm, not noticing th

for,” she said curtly. "It's no

looked up at her. As if motiva

ou don't know how desperate I was…Do you know how emba

The scene was pitiful. Clodan glanced at her, the

u want us t

he two

you come a f

was the last thing he cared about (Rei was not

read, and yet, borrowed the book

care abou


I were so cl

hin, his thumb gent

in a few days, how am I

closer, the two were already kissing, but Rei was so surprised by

t she l

ait for me

o you like

e stopped crying. Relief enveloped her a

me? Don't you th

tely. Rei felt like he was on his knees. He kissed her deeper, almost as if he wanted to use her. If Clodan hadn't put his arm

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