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Word Count: 2592    |    Released on: 19/11/2022

d lately ,it's another cold afternoon and she's seated in her apartment with Roxy an

g at Kyla who is seated on a couch w

ed at her with

me like that ?" Kyla pouted a

ave been eating junk lately" Roxy are Kyla glance around the sitting room

a big bite from the

rd " she sa

nsively at her , she rolled her eyes

eberry and threw

es close , Roxy and Dave shared puzzled loo

aking of hungry Roxy can you be a darling a get me a

start drinking milk "

Constitution states that Kyla isn't allowed

! " Dav

she yelled back and Dave eyes

eople fuck them all , get outta my way "s

Roxy trailed off a

t's wrong with her , i-i

ght here, that isn't

r ?"Roxy ask Dave who look down at h

ht , he gasp and rose up on his feet with a

e you alrig

way " he said expound and Roxy b

vampire , we vampire can't

now b

ce cut in and they turn towards her direction as she app

s blood while t

of blood and poured it into the half cup of milk then she stir the mixture w

e 2 curious pairs of eyes of

alright " she

ick " Dave sai

nd lift up the cup of milk mix with blood close t

spat out the entire content of milk out of

!" Rox

gnant so don't worry am all good " she said

rge appetite , mood swings and many more . and by observa

idiculous . am not pregnant am

nt test " Roxy suggest and Kyla

ss shit Dave is saying"she ask but Rox

n't have children but let's just clear his dou

's do it "

a month and 5 days pregnant" t

wouldn't stop smiling . this is the 10th hospital they have been to and all

ults speechless while Dave

ue " she scream and thr

am I

't get pregnant " she snap at the doct

to calm her nerves but it didn't wor

me I checked vampires can't get pregnant . tis result is fake tell me Dave did you pa

in from it , you're pregnant Kyla instead of working yourself up while don't we think of who the father of your unborn

ill finding it hard to

ay ask

her fist in the table and it produced a loud ban

out and summersault over from his c

tfully while staring up at Kyla w

before " she snap clearly irritated by

on't exist " the

ing him her sharp white fangs whic

ush towards the door but Dave was fast enough

" he

d the doctor exhaled and his nerves instantly became ca

this shit , but first is Jeffrey the father of your baby " Dave

n 90 wolf warriors were on the ground groaning in pain after being beaten up by alpha Kni

the audience watching the fighting squealed more funny compliments

mate is dead

ere" Olivia said to Fio

re happy for the Luna dead because the king is gonna take

he said staring keenly at her brother but Fiona shrug

,handsome, muscular and h

r the king to take a bride since his mate is dead and he needs an heir

ll be awesome I wi

tty as I am ,am sur

vince the king to pick me " argument erupt among the unmated s

my brother mate just dead huh .wait are you guys r

y prince

will snap that person neck. bitches " she grow

ed behind but Olivia ignored her and

ing up and now putting on clean cloths , he s

lled and alpha

Knight said with

neral of Sofia was held 5 days ago but alpha Knigh

ght her body back to the pack "he said and place a phone in front

woke up and a photo of her and him h

keenly fresh pain flush into hi

tone and alpha Knight look up an

e " h


rowled using his alpha command

ckly said and rush out and alpha

the phone screen ones again, his

ed , he imputed the pass

r " he whispered , he went into her gallery wh

back painful memories , he quickly wipe th

app to another se

nd by mistake he click on of the songs whi

which echoed from the phone speakers , alpha Knight frown and look at the

he said to himself himself, wondering why t

es the wail of pain , he could hear uneasy heart beats and shaky breat

x si de

d Sofia voice and the v

" he as himself and played

x si de

mu la

hat "he ask himself thoughtful , after much

ark skin lady could be seen mixing wine for her customers wh

she look up and frown at the person in fron

and put the empty bottle she's holding, al

you ,it seems your preservation spell w

t no she's over 180 years old and all thank to her

checked I haven't done anything wrong to

ask for a favour " he said and she look around ,sh

n a small door an Knight walk in behi

t lucras "

while staring around th

and witches around here, they are interested in knowing

his hand into his sweatshirt pocket and brought out Sofia pho

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