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Who Are You? (WAY)

Chapter 3 At the Hospital

Word Count: 1060    |    Released on: 06/11/2022



already called Seth to see me there, and also Venice and Micah. Leaving Zooey alone is a bad choice, I should stay with

dy ask where i

in the VIP ro

I think they did. Honestly, they own this hospital, and maybe the guy that called

guy tell you?" he aske

Zoe suddenly lose co

idn't tell him since their friends and Zoe said she will be the one to say it to him but I

Well, you need to know someth

tell me?" he l

at she'll tell

up. How dare he do that to my sister!" I can se

irst," I said, he just stay

open the door and saw Luxe checking her, it slips to my mind that he was one of

fter what you did!!" he's very

scene here!" I said and

om his sense!" he's trying to take off my hands b

t your sister" when I said that he su

ou okay?" a man asks while walking t

u," Luxe

nt to talk to him right

y I know whom I talk

h Sue" h

a person physically, he's the doctor who checks your sister. Let'

t's okay" L

who your talking

employee. We can sue you and don't forget there's a lot of CCTV intact in here that

atening me?" Seth s

t concern about me that's why he said that let's talk properly when you cool down for th

't want you either," Se

4 hours," Dr. Park said (that's Luxe call him). I remember now, he's the



to my sister?" I asked since I d

at or drink anything which causes h

t all?"

he a

r in here?"

eared in front of me while I'm driving home and w

ier. I'm just too mad at him because he's the reason why

nal way. My mom always told me that hitting or beating someone will not satisfy our anger

he advice" Faith come ne

with her and I'll be back to check he

g there hurts me. We only got each other when both of our parents died in the accident. I'm assigne

on?" I heard Zoe speak, Faith an

? Are you okay? Com

g to get some sleep here but you wa

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