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Who Are You? (WAY)

Chapter 5 He's Worried

Word Count: 1709    |    Released on: 06/11/2022



at, we don't know each other yet,"

ime talking to a person I just met and I was so comfortable with him" as she said that I want to hide in e

when they'll come back to the room and see that Zoe is not there so I'll call to inform him. After talking to him I tried

iful with the stars surroundin

it is"

ity from them. Though it doesn't mean that they had to treat me like this and break me just because they're company is going down and they'll use marriage to save them that's a freaking damn decision they've made" she start crying again, hearing her

d pat her back slowly "My mom was the only one who raises me since my fat

t need him just to be successful. I want you to the same, don't let them drag you down instead use that as a mo

I'll be crying. It's time for me to wake up and

uld go, you need to take a rest if

," she said and we

It's time for me to go home s

home Dr.Park" as she said tha

ave a minute with

how may I help you

his good news to you," h

's that?" I

d I heard him right? Did

rstand" is th

w something and say that this hospit

I'm just really happy right no

your family you deserve it. Good jo

jump in e


ppy to tell her that I'd be

hat, I go out to see if she's in the kitchen, but she's not, perha

me, but there is still no answer. I'm beco

m?" I checked, but

and attempt to call her, that is when I noticed she had called me

elf. When my father abandons us and decides to be with his other family, my mother is all I have. Back to reality, the

!" I

ll be working late tonight. You can't blame me if I'm worried it just



?" Micah asked, they came

week since I need to do

od? What did Seth told you?"

y job there. My brother told me that I just need to help

of yourself okay. Make sure your

me I'll be fine, yo

ore and we will visit her when we have time Ca

said and h

u?" Faith asked

id, Venice and


knock on the door as it opens

or? He's so hot" V

," I

so if you'll excuse me," he said and go

Park" I gre

" he asked wh

my strength and I'm ready to

can see that your not

eck me up I feel cold," Ve

ditioner. Wait, I'll adjust it for you" I almost laugh

ailed" Mica

I tried,"

m hungry again" and smile sweetly at them,

r. Park do you want som

l full thank

l be back" th

ER needs me," he said

alled him, h

?" h


ng," he

I'm bothered by his aura t

id you

seems so sad," I said, he look

as waiting for him. I'm just worried because sh

Don't worry too much and try to call her again or text her?" I

have a lot of work to do but I can't fe

o I'll check you later"

if he can't open up to me. My phone ring so I get and ch

o" I

, how are you?" her


en recognize my voice now," I'm try

tter shut up. I don't know wh

Good thing your at the hospital yo

the hospital?" is someone w

cause I'm coming for you" after saying that she hung up, I grip my hand and clo

!" I b

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