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Who Are You? (WAY)

Chapter 8 Ready or Not it's Happening

Word Count: 1751    |    Released on: 06/11/2022



three days because I need to be there for my patient and attend meetings. I know I

I said as I walk

u even eat?" she say

n't worry"

t for you to regain y

es" and go to my room after changi

this?" I ask in amazemen

today so I have a lot

yway Camille is co

so want to see her. I mis

ell you something" wh

that?" s

I'm getting married" she al

gave her water. She dr

can see a mixture of shock a

t correct. Camille and I were getting married though we're plan

have your own family. I mean you're already at the right age and you already

mom" and I


e get the door" I stan

ing a bouquet of

you with that" the

s" she

ing at the dining." I said

whispered which

ves you very much. Y

my mom suddenly hugs

tie. How are you?"

red "Come on join us, take a s

d? What did your parents said about thi

m yet, we want you to be the

should eat first let's di

said "What do you want

s auntie's food" she says, mom looks

at a lot." mo


I said we've been through a lot together, including what happened to my family. She was there beside me and didn't leave even there are times I shout at her, embarrassed her,

ing to

n did you get

your face right now. Your

re when you just appeare

going to make a coffee. D

o done here an


pretty you know. I can't take off my eyes on her, Am I bei



nts for me. We'll be going to

of yourself." I said, we're done ta

I will."

ou again" and I hu

'll take Camile home and go directl

ady leave. On our way, I receive a message that

here, I'll be riding a taxi

take you h

l be fine so don't worry" I just do

nt patient so it's okay" he just continues to drive until



pect him to see hi

d who is this guy?"

ng time" and Heal smiles at him

d shocked "I didn't recognize you,

yway how are you a

n overseas meeting. Anyway let's go insid

go back at the h

you tomorrow. You also need to r

d, see you to

said to him and pu

e sir."

ting?" he asked

d to rest. Let's talk tomor

e some rest" then we head inside. It was a



oisy, I still

ne calling me? "Are yous till sleep?" U

I'm still sleeping "

voice, I open my

oing here?" I a

I guess?"

now he'll be here

n't you check your time

ook so tired darling" my m

nd run to the bathroom. That was embarrassing, I didn't wash a

them in the living room joyfully talking. Though I don

e come and join us." my dad sai

alking abou

pecial" He

your mom?" it's my

ergency at her work so she c

my dad said, they haven't met yet since my dad was a

visiting again on her day o

to say since my daughter is

et married next year

oing to remain friends for

n we're already old Heal and we don't know what will happen so

y that" he's already

t hon" my

h other then we shouldn't keep this long. I'

can do it by ourselves, you d

dding and I want it

you want we can just schedule the wedding next

ce we'll be a family soon" this is not h

gagement but let us prepare

anything don't forget

s we need to prepare and it will not be

We still need to work for our wedding and our futur

it," he said whil

gree and s

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