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Fate and Desires

Chapter 3Ā Depravity

Word Count: 2877 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 06/12/2022

el the bustling spirit of the ancient city. She could sense the great cultural history of the beautiful city as they drove around. Aunt Dora had so fa

in Warri. Her face brightened as she felt relieved. "Get your bags quickly Onome let me show you to your room. I have a lot to attend to in town" said Aunt Dora still engrossed with her phone. Her room was small but well laid out. She liked it. Onome was quite surprised to see two luxury cars in her aunt's compound. She had never drive

ts of pubs and outlets with funny coloured lights. Parking in front of a pub they all got down. Walking into the pub she could hear everyone calling her aunt "madam". She wondered why. At the entrance of the bar was this bold signage which read "Dolce Vita". Aunt Dora asked her to follow her as they went to the rear of the pub. There she saw what shattered her innocence. She saw girls and more girls. Some smoking, some dancing. Some were so scantily clad that she could see their privates. Some she could see frolicking with men old enough to be their fathers. She almost shut her eyes. She had only seen scenes like this in movies. She still followed her aunt as she observed proceedings. Finally she sat and beckoned on Onome to do same. L

e girls home after approval from Jennifer who acted as Aunt Dora's manager. Like Aunt Dora, Jennifer had been to Italy where she spent a couple of years. Though in her twenties, you could tell from her eyes that she been through hell and back. Yet she had this elegance about her. Every evening, she took her time to have a thorough bath. After which she creamed her body gracefully. Her hair was immaculately made. She was always dressed in short, beautiful gowns with seductive perfumes to match. Her sexual appeal and aura was second to none. A beauty to behold, Onome found herself admiring her every passing day. The more she came to Dolce Vita, the more she accepted the life. Aunt Dora didn't pressure her, but made sure she saw everything. Friday nights were usually exceptional. Strippers danced, men flirted and a lot of sex happened. So far Onome had been just a spectator, helpin

fter Jennifer. Aunt Dora was no longer an aunt to her but now her madam. She had taken to the life and accepted her fate. Despite her good results she didn't proceed to the university. She didn't bother though and Aunt Dora never cared. She only felt bad each time Itohan spoke with her on the phone. Itohan was now a student of Microbiology in the University of Benin. Itohan had finally come to know the cause of Onome's distr

She could not afford to offend her madam, Aunt Dora with low returns. Sometimes she deliberately snubbed him, to get her off his mind. But all these were not working and he was now calling her regularly on phone. Osadolor was actually asking her out! A call girl! How was that even possible she told herself? He promised to take her out of Dolce Vita and give her a new life. Sponsor her tertiary education and all. But she couldn't fall for his antics. She knew he was just obsessed with her and would definitely change when it wears out. Osadolor persuaded her to visit him at his abode in the Government Reserved Area. She went on a Saturday morning. His apartment was well furnished and he impressed her by cooking a nice meal of jollof rice. "Onome tell me, how did an angel like you end up in Dolce Vita? I can't wrap my head around it" he asked sitting beside her on the couch. Onome quietly told him her story. Osadolor felt sorry for her and even resolved more to help her. But he wondered if she would have the courage to go against her aunt. That day she stayed over for the night. Osadolor took her into

be worse than the streets of Benin had offered her. Diligently she finally raised the money required by Osas. In all these her aunt Nosakhare was in the dark. Osas first took her and the other girls to a shrine where they took oaths of loyalty. They swore to pay the required amount to their bosses when they get to Europe. Italy turned out to be meaner than the streets of Benin City. The sex trade was totally controlled by daredevil crime bosses who dealt with the girls like animals. But she kept her nerves and worked her body to a point where it only bled money. She succeeded in paying off her bosses and thus became free. She then started recruiting her own girls from the home country. Coming back to Nigeria, she settled in Benin City and set up her own network with Dolce Vita as her front. Looking at Onome as she left a chalet, guilt ran through her mind as she remembered how innocent her niece was just a few years ago. More so, she felt bad that she had to abandon her education for the street life. She had really done terrible things to

not handle. She also knew about the fetish oaths and rites she would have to undertake. Onome already was beyond broken. Nothing could surprise her again. She had only one worry, Osadolor. He had refused to go away and was also willing to send her abroad. But she feared for his safety knowing that Aunt Dora and her associates could be ruthless. She tried to make him understand but he was stubborn. And that stubbornness was why she liked him so much. She however kept th

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