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Fate and Desires

Chapter 4 War

Word Count: 4866    |    Released on: 06/12/2022

loved strolling around the Piazza Pretoria square while having a cannoli. She loved their food especially Pasta alla Norma. But these were the only good things she could say of Palerm

atisfying the pleasures of men. Many of the girls were already doing drugs but Onome reminded herself that she couldn't sink into a hole that deep. They were about twelve girls staying in one small dingy room. They were constant

rinking. But meeting Onome had changed everything. He was now a changed man and wanted Onome to be a part of that life. "If it isn't the runaway priest" Father Femi said as he shook Osadolor warmly. "What brings you here my friend" he asked as they both sat down in his office. Osadolor told him about Onome and her predicament in Palermo. "I know of a priest who has a shelter for migrants and helps girls like Onome who are into a life of forced sin. I would reach out

ously thinking that the streets of Europe were lined with gold were soon shocked first from the harrowing experience in their tortuous journey through Libya across the Mediterranean Sea into Sicily. When he received that call from Father Femi, he knew he had to act fast to save another soul from damnation. The girl, Onome lived somewhere

le nervous. She woke up earlier than the other girls who usually slept till late in the morning. She tried to stay normal acting like she always did, keeping to herself. Looking down from her window, she saw Obinna and the other Nigerian boys who ran the crime ring. As usual they were smoking weed and chatting loudly. At 11.30 am she dressed up and came downstairs. Walking past Obinna and his crew, Obinna called "where are you off too? Don't tell me you work round the clock now". This got the rest laughing while Onome kept walking away. Getting to the Piazza Pretoria, she started her stroll,

she rationalised that she had been left with no option. Her fears were confirmed when she received a call from Palermo saying that Onome was missing. She was given a week to sort her "girl" out. She had pulled all the strings she had yet no one could tell her what happened to Onome or where she was. This meant big trouble for her as the boss

would start asking questions. Yes they had staged her rescue as an arrest but the question would be, why she had been arrested. In which police station was she being held? He knew that the cartel would soon

garette, enjoying the cool breeze of Palermo. Six years ago he made the journey to Sicily through Libya. A harrowing experience, he had seen death calling but luckily he survived. He took the decision to move to Europe after a friend, Desmond had convinced him. After graduating from the University, he spent three years job hunting with no success. Moreover, he had a poor degree result as he was a gang member in his undergraduate days. When Desmond reached out to him, he was in his lowest point. And so he listened to his friend and gang member. Sicily was a hot hub for human trafficking and the Nigerian gangs there were in alliance with the more formidable Mafia. The business was a mean, bloody and deadly affair. But it was high

planned for away from the evil eyes of her aunt. Word from Benin had it that she had already started making moves to find him but luckily he had left town. Today he was really excited. Father Angelo had promised he could speak to Onome later that evening. He couldn't wait for that moment. When the time came and he heard that sweet voice, his heart melted and his feelings for her felt as warm as ever. "How are you holding up my dear" he asked. She told him all she had been going through, the terrible things men had done to her and the c

ter remained superficial. He heard things about her way of life in Benin. But he lacked the moral standing to question a baby sister they abandoned to fate. His worry at present centred on Onome. Three years and no word about her. Three years and he hadn't seen her. Each time he called Dora, she was always evasive on matters concerning Onome. Now he couldn't even reach her again. Adjusting his small radio, he sat down on an old couch in his porch. As the eldest child in their family, circumstances meant he had to forfeit his education a

sually came for her in the early hours of the morning when he knew she would be done with the days hustle. He would take her to his home and make sweet love to her. He always said little but was very generous to her. She could sense that he too had fallen in love with her. Whenever she tried to talk to him he went into his shell preferring to show his love for her in his actions. Angelo neither drank nor smoked. He was not like the other guys who were wise guys, engaged in one racket or the other. At first she thought he was a spy, trying to use her to understand the prostitution ring. With time she realised he was just love struck. She severally nursed the idea of running away with him not minding the risk. After settling the bosses and becoming free, she spent more time with him wishing he would settle down with her. Then he opened up to her. He was a Priest! She felt lost again, wondering if men were capable of doing good. He cried, begging her for forgiveness, that even though he loved her, he couldn't stop serving in the Lords vineyard. It was at that moment that she lost it and vowed to herself never to fall for a man again. Later that night she sat in her usual corner at the Dolce Vita. Lighting a cigarette, she offered another stick to a huge guy who sat opposite her. The man was not in the mood for smoking. Cobra as the streets called him was also in a mess. He was the

e of her savage handlers, she had wanted more from him. But he had been a coward. He cared a lot what people would say about him leaving the priesthood for some African prostitute. And so he rejected her love thereby shattering her hope for a better future. He could still remember the tears that flowed freely from her eyes when he told her he couldn't leave the priesthood. For days she cried and even prayed, hoping that God will change his mind. After a while she gave up and went back to the only job she knew. Soon after that he got transferred to Rome for a short while and never saw or heard from her again. When he came back to Palermo after a few years, he searched for her to no avail. After sometime he gave up the search praying that God will save her soul. Coming into his quarters, he saw the girl sitting on

ould be captured alive and be used as an example for the other girls. His squad was a group of six, five Nigerian and one Sicilian. They were to disguise themselves as priests. By exactly 4.30 pm, Obinna and his gang moved. They successfully entered the Santa Caterina unnoticed as they passed for normal clergymen. Onome was sleeping while Father Angelo nervously waited for the appointed time. He saw some priests approaching, many of the

e told him all was quiet and then he went into a fit of rage. He cursed and cried blaming his friend for not acting fast enough. Father Femi let him vent, knowing that anger is short madness. Ending the call, Osadolor couldn't stay composed. He tried chatting Onome up b

gents got to them. For this they turned to Mario. The same police officer Obinna had worked with all these years. Mario Russo the man given the job to clean Obinna's mess had joined the police just a few years ago. Born in Napoli, he had grown up with a distant relative in Palermo after his parents were executed mafia style. That one incident had shaped his person in a rather negative way. His disdain for organized crime had motivated him to join the state police. But he soon found himself in league with the same people he loathed. Their offer had been too tempting. The murder of Father Angelo was the most challenging situation he had faced so far. The government was turning on the heat on organized crime as the dead priest was seen as a hero for his work with immigrants. Now the bosses wanted him to get rid of Obinna and his crew. He

a girl who had tried to escape with his bare hands. Once the bosses gave the order, Ochuko killed without mercy. She was about leaving for her meeting with Ochuko when an unexpected visitor barged into her home. She was shocked to see Pa Onajite. "You have to answer for Onome, my dear sister." "And who are you to make such demands in my house? This is not Oleh, you don't have such authority here" she responded angrily. Her argument with Pa Onajite was heated, with the older man swearing not to leave her home until he set eyes on his niece. Aunt Dora could have easily brushed him aside but she feared what will happen if went back to Oleh with such a damning report. Things were already bad in all fronts and she couldn't risk adding her family to the list. So she tried to calm him down by apolo

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