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Tame Me, My Forbidden Mate

Chapter 5 The Strongest Pack

Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 08/12/2022

re the day is over!" Alfonzo

en Jonas get angry once, and that was when you

look. "That's wrong! Jonas left his room. I didn't e

ld thank Jonas for the room." She then

ack to his room, and I'll take the

, and I told you before that the house is f

omer, who is the only person in Phantom City w

to dinner, Jonas. Plea

Since there aren't many people at the table

ill alive!" Vic yelled as he watch

too, so I'm not easy to beat!" El

ht that Jonas was the lea

hantom pack? She doesn't seem to know anything,

rises, and she always wa

while making

y way, "My pack is ma

wasn't looking at me, so

s in our former pack, which might no

n Alpha, and Jonas is your Alpha? Is

Alpha is as strong as my old Alpha, who i

looks at me like I'm

bout food, looked at me as if

aid, "Please forgive my daughter; she does

n't we have a match?" Alfonzo said this a

long time, finally said, "Then

that even Elija will follow your

and Lolita's daughter, "Alfonzo answere

is wine, "Then it's settled. Eli

now how strong the alpha is!" I ye

the dining room, but I didn't care. Instead, I gave Jona

you beat him, then you can

o be ready, and I'll wait in the backyar

your brother to fight you

ring. If I want to join his pack, my Alpha m

ing. Jonas doesn't care if you're a boy or a girl. If he challeng

oom after dinner an

ength hair so it wouldn't g

y, "Hmm, I wish Elija

be stronger than you." Jonas says

ked about it and looked in the hall

is next to yours," Jonas said as

es? What are you doing still?" I question. Jo

lose up. He got ready to hit

ant me to beat Elija so we can fight?" When Jo

my strength, so why would I bother with your ch

n away and was able to go back into the ro

in my way!" I screamed. But Jonas kept staring at me, so I decided to use f

of yourself? You and your friends think that all men ar

back and wrapped one arm aroun

en I felt his breath in my

anything, you attack me, right?"

nd away, but he turned me


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