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Falling for the Billionaire Mob Boss

Chapter 4 Octavio

Word Count: 1622    |    Released on: 13/12/2022

te-walled office in a large and busy warehouse. “I never lose- eithe

le space and if you keep on with it, who knows?…you may tak

d by clearing his throat, causing everyone to revert to their se

, and how do you intend to ex

Him and maybe everything linked to him that breathes, recover my stu

is someone equally or I should say, a little bit more powerful.” he sat back in hi

ate undetected just like he did his father and grandfather. He was the most valuable asset. As an uncle, he was one person Octavio feared, the only person alive who could scold or oppose Octavio without the later reacting and the on

ct.” Octavi

u won’t." Mr.

forward “Now I’

to leave the office so that he

e plan?” Oc

of people that groomed you, the stuff you were exposed to growing up, one would think you'd close such deals with ease on your own turf. But well, it turned out to be quite the opposite and that's rea

monstrated as if he was strangling some i

roblem?” Mr.

erly and rose from his seat “that’s

it." Mr. Matt

e the word his uncle wanted to hear.

Mr. Matteo hel

uld lay my h

Touch as much as the tip of a strand of his hair and you’ll have every available uniform coming after you.” Mr. Matteo pulled out another photograph and pushed it towards Octavio "And t

but he wasn't ready to let go. And even if he wanted to, he

suggest the

he eight page.” Mr

s asked and was shoc

iar?” Mr. Ma


tteo n

ow confused, turned to his uncle, h

bankruptcy, shut down all his businesses including the antiques shop save the ar

cabinet and took out a bottle of scotch, took a glass

h he tried so hard to unders

e as the buyer of the his

owed up on that one.

ook at the second photograph p

had both Victor and Alexander standing in the middle of the group, right infront of the ARRT

fter a ship he boarded never returned. Christian Martelli left, and Alexander Williams returned. Anthony Martelli, the current chairman is believed to be a cousin." "But that's still impossible. I

good at what he did, but here he was being showe

ght?" Mr. Matteo asked, "A debt that

I've been keeping tabs on her

as thinking, why don’t we give him a lady whom he might be interested in, promise to cancel her debt which she inherited from her late dad at a lit

nd gave his uncle a tight hug. “Ho

rted returning the documents to his briefcase, but stopped halfway to look at Octavio again. "I know you must be thinking about complet

cle” Octavio s

he duo, during which Mr. Matteo finished packing his stuff, then he left his seat and walked up to Oc

t's a wonder how long you would have survived in this wild all by yourself. I've tried my best to keep you glued to that seat you boast of daily and hell you don't know what I do at the background, how many people I've made to disappear just to make sure one fool, who has somehow decided not to abandon his baby stroller and become the man he is, keeps his family legacy. You turned what was suppose to be a spark into a flame and now they expect much more from you. It's a second chance-th

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