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Jewel's Story Book


Word Count: 3340    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

boats, ploughing their way through the mighty seas, come finally,

rangers watching the departure of those wh

l as if my jacket was buttoned, in spite of the long drive we've taken s

ou needed som

me that I was growing fat! There, yo

andpa," returned the chil

Supposing I should lose my

her chin and

go waddling

how would it be my

and grow fat'? How many times have you

jumped up and down. "Oh, grandpa, do

k yours

?" the hop

here's one day that they can't get away from us, Jewel. This eighth of June has been a good d

utiful hotel, and the drive in the

it is now. They're comin


d the broker dryly. "Steady, Jewel, steady now

and men and women waiting to see friends. All moved and changed like figures in a kaleidoscope before Jewel's unwinking gaze; but the long min

ng to each other, kissing and murmuring with soft exclamations.

et us the courtesy of the

r, and Julia released Jewel and turned

aid feelingly, as she held out her hand. "I

as hot within him. "If they have the presumption to thank me for taking

as Jewel been able to take it so cheerfully

ued: "The courtesy of the port does shorten things u

wel sat down on a pile of boxes to wait. The mother's arm was around t

suit instead of this, and she told me not to sit down on anything dirty." She carefully

her pony had been freely expressed. The mother's mental picture of the stiff, cold individual to whose doubtful mercies she had confided her child at such short notice had been softened by the references to him in Jewel's letters; and it was with a shock

o her, however, that the child could even now feel less than awe of the stern guardian with whom she had succeeded

our pretty wa

d, "this is Little Faith

b. "You've named him?" she returned. "Why, it is

so I wouldn't stay in

s Anna

e had if I could have brought her! But you see I needed both my hands to help carry bag

hardly think we shall go to Bel-Air to-night. How would you like to stay in at the

ls are splendid. Grandpa and I had dinner at one. It's named the Waldorf and it has woods in it jus

ark even for one night; but Harry must arrange it. "We'll see what father says," she added. "What a pretty lo

d it ever since she was as little as I am, and she said she lef

to go? Did Mr. Evringham-perhaps-think"-the speaker pau

r room is so empty now that I've had to keep remembering that you were coming and everything was happy. I guess

to her child while the grandfather was providing for her material wants. She looked at Jewel now, a picture of health an

essed the child closer to her. "He has brought father and mother back ac

tle pilgrim during her first days at Bel-Air; but the shadows had so entirely faded from Jewel's consc

e. Even aunt Madge kissed me when she went awa

mean?" asked M

ecause I thought he might not like peop

ngham's coachm

ssed they were rubber-tired, because she was always rubbering and she made people tired. You know Zeke is such a joker, so I haven

time for spooning," said Harry cheer

el to carry. Her father and grandfat

husband, but he was gayly talking with Je

iage that was standing there. "This

is wife entered the vehicle, still in doubt as

" said her mother quietly. "Le

nt of carriage etiquette. It was seldom tha

efly, and moved the child back with one hand. Then he entered, H

together," said Jewel joyously. "I don't care whic

his hand over in her silken lap and giving her a li

f it, all this time! Grandpa,

urt question chilled the spine of his daughter-in-law. "Were y

only mot

hat was nothing, Jewel; I simply didn't kn

he didn't believe there'd be room. She doesn't know how big the house is, does she, grandpa?" An irresistib

a small scuffle ensued in which the wide leghorn hat brim sawed against Mr. Evringham's shoulder and neck in a manner that caused Mrs. Evringham's heart to lea

id the mother, striving to pull t

as best he might, and at his wife's voice aided her eff

capturing her child in one arm and holding her close. To her sur

is it to the ferry

ifteen m

as if they had sticks in them. Don't you w

little squeeze intended to be repressive. Jewel wriggle

Central Park and the swan bo

row, when you're not

n her mother's shoulder, put an arm around her. "Moth

ied Mrs. Evringham, wi

nce, still gazing out the windo

tried to avoid them for a minute and then sat up. "Father, will you c

he transfer was made and Jewel crept under Mr. Evringham's arm, which

t go to sle

l," returned th

if you're asleep. They're fine to see. We can't carry you and the luggage, too.

is while he pushed her upright. Mr. and Mrs. Evringham lo

t time, the host

ve you to give us

haps," replied

aimed Jewel, in dismay,

ngy visit," remar

added Jewel. "There's

ey won't forgive me if I don't bring you home pretty soon." He leaned forward and took his child's f

room every night, and daytimes I played in your ravine. Bel-Air Park is the beau

feeling vibrated in the speaker's voice. "We

urned and smiled up into the impassi

id the broker briefly, but he did not

ht Mrs. Evringham; "but

is arms, and, tired out with all the excitement of the day and the lateness of the hour, the child instantly became unconscious; but b

ht she perceived that he was moved by a contrite memory; but he spoke with bluff heartiness as he shook hands with her; and Mrs. Forbes looked with eage

r, ma'am," replied Mrs. Forbes, charmed a

andsome rooms so lately vacated. They were b

hopped up and down, as wide awake as any little girl in

ewel, and all that she was and all that she had taught him. Her face was what he might have expected. It l

ugh he did not smile, it was certain that, whether from a sense of d

ve. With the child's hand in hers, Julia took courage to

stranger, and her heart beat a little fast

all right,

Jewel. "That's all lighted, too. Are t

artment. There an unexpected sight met the child's eyes. In the rosy depths of a la

attered about in this room, also, and the child suddenly

e's room, grandpa!" she cried, so surpri

e closet and then opening a bureau drawer. Within both receptacles

and clasping her arms around his waist. "You're go

th looked on, more than half expecting a snub to meet the

kers saw the sweeping mustache curve in a smile as he straightened up again.

in company, Jewel,"

he child. "I forgot to remembe

ry Evringham, coming forward

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