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Jewel's Story Book


Word Count: 2629    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

d to order and Harry placed the

house, Julia," he suggested. "It won't

ing the pictures and carvings, and paused long before the

ry. "Isn't she stunning? That's the s

he exquisite painting of its laces, Jewel ra

exclaimed her father as t

child, putting up her hand to her braids, "be

laugh rang out. "L

dearie," said her mother. "No wonde

xclaimed the child, and they

will get you somethi

reply the housekeeper passed the door and Jewel ran to he

e into the dining-room, Jewel; Sa

, a little-but what is grandpa'

said the housekeeper coaxingly. "Come

I will. What is the num

the number, and Harry

d her father. "You'll see him in a few hours,

o her sometimes. You know, Jewel, your grandfather doesn't like to be disturbed

the instrument was situated. Her mother and father followed, the former

se. With her usual energy she took down the receiver and made her request to the central office. Harry drew his wife to where they could watch her absorbe

randpa?" asked

want to see M

ody will do but grandpa. You

speak plain. It's Jewel

es, I'm the very one that ate the Nesselrode pu

ght of interfering, and was watching, curious

y I can't tell you the busin

ration had an effect. After a minute mo

dpa, is t

m so sorry I s

ve to eat my breakfast without you. Why

ou feel very sorry when you

he ride seem very

you'd gone, I had to hear you speak so as to get

t. Are you sure you

re you smili

it made Jewel's anxious brows rel

er! One smile won't make yo

tening sile

ason I feel the

about yesterday." The child sighed. "We

I'll kiss the 'phone now,

es-I hear it; and you'll come home

ll right. You know I love you just the

, then,

nd turned a beaming face u

y eat a little because we must go out and see Star. You w

y, collecting himself. "We

so glad. I

upon an old settle of Flemish oak, gazing at one another. The veil having been comp

ed fashion. "Sold, and the money taken!

oo, but there was

mouse, Julia. How

n my inv

head of those things that can't

's why he wants to ta

e moisture that rose to Harry's eyes was forced there by the effort to repress his mirth. "By j

is arm. "Oh, Harry, can't y

n't. Why, we're not in it at all. Did you feel our insignificance

lly. "I don't like to feel that your father has to pay su

If he doesn't go ahead and take you now, I'll bri

believe," she said, at last, "that we may fi

d new heart," returned Har

the plan for her and me to stay," said Jul

n't think you're much

him, and she has loved him into being a happier and better man, it may be a matter of duty for us not to deprive him of her at o

and Jewel will have a rival. You have the same k

e housekeeper came

ng, "that was rather amusing importan

"Such lovers, sir," she responded. "Such lovers! Whate

ther, to be fond of children," retur

suppose, Mr. Harry, that Jewel is any common c

he father's mood. "What she is, is the result o

hat dear little girl because I'd made up my mind that she'd upset him. Well, Jewel didn't know anything about hate, not enough to know it when she saw it. She just loved us all, through thick and thin, and you'll have to wait till you can read what the recording angel's set down, before you can have any full idea of what she's done for us. She's made a humble woman out of me, and I was the stiff-neckedest member of the congregation. There's my only child, Zeke; s

y upon the speaker, and she was unconsci

g us this," she said, rather breat

you'd better turn your attention to an orphan asylum and catch them as young as

. "We may all have the pure

at his wife. He was winking fast. "Well, this

make us very humble wi

back into the hall and ran

ast, eh?" he a

Sarah said grandpa wanted me to eat a c

ur hair first," re

won't care, will they, Jewel?" He picked her up and set her o

is my father and mother, Zeke," cried the child, happily, and

a great pony

Harry, as he and his wife followed

mother, viewing the wavy locks and sweeping tail

in his mane. "I haven't anything for you, Star, this time," she said,

ake between the full, bright eyes. "He's the prettiest pony

d shoulders. "He would have,

d to. Oh, see that beautiful head!" for Essex Maid loo

nation of the pony, to go

a stunner!"

beside him." Zeke paused and with a comical gesture of his head indicated the child and then th

y la

n, sir. She'll get another

y." As he spoke, Harry smoothed the brig

pery perch on the pony's back. She had been thinking about it. "A

himself," said

"Then he loves you about the most of a

nd father do just what you like. I can be ha

to the Ravine of Happiness before lunch time, and then wait for grandpa, a

a wouldn't like that," retu

He would if she said so, ma'a

led kindl

mused. "It's a case, isn

n. "He comes when he's called, a

y's stall. "Come on, then, Jewel, come

's your fault," smiled Julia, smoothing

at deal worse than this, a great d

wn in it," suggested her father, as they moved away,

w in her chin as sh

, you're su

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