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Jewel's Story Book


Word Count: 2198    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

at change had taken place; and quickly came the realization that it was a happy change. As the transf

me!'" she thought, and her h

carefully opened the door. To her amazement the bed was empty. Its coverings w

Her husband stirred and opened his eyes, but before she c

e exclaimed, and, half asleep, he obeyed. There, riding down the drivewa

ook, how dear!"

d ridden Essex Maid, after all; and he smiled with interest now, in the couple who were evidently

surprised this morning, to waken and find it reality, after all." She looked wit

e an idea you will find occupation enough for one while, in learning

t wo

here: that the action of Truth

ou're happy, aren't you, father?" asked Jew

ppy, Jewel,"

ther. "When is father com

he can," w

ng man bluntly. He still retained the consciousness, half am

most next winter," sa

full in the eyes and liked

on, Harry I want you to feel that it

he two men suddenly clasped hands ga

alone to Chicago?" she pursued, again centri

kissing her and setting her on her feet. "Are you going to a

It touched her little heart to see him go alone away from such a

the head leaning out of the brougham window, mother and child went up the broad staircase together, pausing before the t

Jewel," said the mother. "It must have

od owned the woods, and He didn't care if we broke something, and Mrs. Forb

small trunk which was all Mrs. Evringham h

this case it was different; for Jewel had no previous journey of her mother's to remember, and her gifts had always been so small, with the sh

venience in the closet with its electric light for dark days, impressed her afresh with a sense of wondering pleasure. The lady of her name who had so recently dwelt among these luxuries h

beautiful things very much, but I never had them before in my life. Co

room and brought the doll. Then she jumped into her mother's lap

rettiest lace wrapper-I was never in this room before except two or three times,"-Jewel's awed tone changed,-"but now my own

went on softly, "think what Divine Love has done for mother, to bring her here! I've worked very hard, my little girl, and though Love helped me all the time, and I was happy, I've had so much care, and almost never a day when I had leisure to stop and think about something e

r hymn. Her mother joined an alto to the clear voice, in the manner th

tures are

t I have

s will soon

est clouds

I cannot

in life

r has my

ill walk


r Park, weren't they?" she said, "

gently, "and just now there is

way," returned J

o come back. It is v

e it makes God glad

He sees that it is only what knowledge we have of God that made it possible for him to come back to what ought to be his, his father's welcome home! Father sees that it is a demonst

father before?" ask

as only when father began to understand the truth and ask God to help him,

is much, mother," dec

returned her mother.

, and everybody else here was sorry-and now nobody is. Even aunt

rs. Evringham, who had already gathered a tolerably clear ide

isn't afraid of

, darling. Think of having

l's knee. Opening the bag at her side she took out a small box and gave it to the ch

on the ring, which just fitted, and then hug

a big girl"-she began, turning to the

Jewel, here is

brilliant with gems which outshone completely the three little garnet

about us every day, didn't you! Kiss your grandma, dearie," which the proud and happ

ship going over, it was pretty hard, because I had never been away from my little girl and I didn't know just what she was doing

it?" asked J

oming home again. Then I was lighter hearted and happier, because I knew my little darlin

he dark eyes and s

other; a bag f




, mother, I

ly article it still contained. It was a long, flat book with pasteboard covers tied at the back

ull of pictures," sh

ver toward her so she could read th


dges of the volume and let the type-written pa

e great pleasures and treats of her life had been those rare

on, "and you'll have time to read them to me now! Anna Belle, won't it

he laughed at the child's joy. "I hop

love. How can they?" return

Jewel; that'

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