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John of the Woods


Word Count: 813    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

rs. He too was weary and heart-broken by a hard life and many beatings. His back was piled with the heavy roll of carpet and all the poor belongings of the band, including the tent

since he could remember. The kind word which the good woman had spoken to him had unnerved him, too. She had advised him to run away. Run away! He had thought of that before. But how could he do it? Tonio the Hunchback was so wicked and sh

y had that silver piece perhaps he could do something, he thought. Much could be done with a silver piece. It was long since t

as if by magic. Every one was at supper,-every one but Gigi. What a chance to escape, if

, take me away, too!" But Gigi paid no attention to him. He was not cruel, but he had never learned to be kind. Without a pang, without a farewell to the beast

rchways and through dirty alleys, down flights of steps, until he was out of breath and too dizzy to go further. He had come out on the highroad, it seemed. The l

ion: Gigi

oad. There was something familiar about it. Yes, it was surely the road up which they had toiled that very afternoon, coming from the country and a far-off village

Gigi's heart sank. Could they be after him already? He crouched

Gigi saw that in the cart were a woman and three little boys of about his own age. And presently, as he watched the lumbering team curiously, he recognized the very woman who had given him the silver piece an hour before.

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