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John of the Woods

Chapter 4 THE OX-CART

Word Count: 1186    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

oices of the woman and the children talking and laughing together. Then

ut did not pause. The children stopped talking,

ma! A lit

n in her hearty, kind v

u doing here

raveling cloak. But suddenly he threw back the f

d. "You told me to run aw

er, Mama!" cried the boys in one brea

e in taking the hint. How did you get here so soon? We were homeward bound w

ay, which is long and winding, but down steep stree

ied Beppo, the littlest boy, pointing. Th

. "The wicked men! Di

They have beaten me many times till I could not move. But if they catch

ing up and down the road. "If they should come now!

y. You were kind to me to-day, and I thought-pe

. "Where is the silver

y food and a night'

re was so little money in the tambourine,-only coppers. They said p

will indeed help you to escape. Climb in here, boy, among my youngsters. W

an clucked to the oxen, and forthwith they moved on down the highroad.

ill wonder why we are so long returning from market. This has been our holiday," she explained to Gigi. "And to

ascinated eyes. "How did you learn?"

the little creases, gave him a very mischievous look. He seemed to wink. Immediately the whole cartful of peasants began to

you want to learn?" he asked. "It does not

ically. Gigi nodded his head with a sigh. "Ver

, the oldest boy, who was perhaps twelve a

since I was a baby, before I could even turn a somersault, they tossed me back

u then?" asked Beppo,

e said simply. "Whatever I did, they beat m

They are Gypsies, black men. But you are fair like t

t know," he said. "I have bel

r Margherita sudde

ad behind them. Gigi trembled. "They are

ly. But it is growing dark here in the valley. This is a lonely spo

Giovanni. "Oh, mother, hide the ba

Do not speak of it! Hiew, hiew! Go on!

pace for her. The noise came nearer. They

hose ears were keen. "I can hear his fou

t is a little man on a donkey. He is

red fearfully. "I know it! Oh, the Hunchback will kill

ke this bag, Gigi. It will be safer with you. And here, creep un

de, and Gigi crept under them, being wholly covered. The other boys huddled close, shive

nd nearer, lashing the

ld see his face,

ddenly. "You in the

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