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John of the Woods


Word Count: 890    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

he boys huddled closer, and Gigi's heart beat like

other Margherita, and her u

ted Tonio. "Have you got my boy, Gigi the Tumbler,

n: "Have you

. "I am a respectable countrywoman returning from market-day wit

eadily down from the donkey and approaching the cart. Tonio

d their plucky mother, brandishing her

ne after another, eyeing them sharply in the growing darkness. But there was little ab

e floor, and felt about the corners, while the boys wriggled away from his touch like eels fr

doing in my cart, anyway? I'll trouble you to let us go on our way in peace. My man in the house down yonder will be out to help us with his crossbow and his do

. 'Tis likely you are right. And then! I must be there to help at the punishing. Oh! that will be spor

sed no one,"

thfully, start

Go on! go on,

get hom

ment he looked doubtfully up and down the road, then he turned the poor tired ani

and before my children, too! But it was to spare a child suffering, perhaps

, Gigi came out from under her skirts. He handed back the bag of silv

ved, Gigi!"

find you now,

s and teach us how to tumble!" cried Beppo, hugging his

re for him. Your father is master in the house, remember. Your father may not be pleased with what we have d

ot thought of anything beyond the safety of the moment. He had made no plans, he had only hoped vaguely that

oad ahead. A man's voice hailed them loudly.

ring shout. Then with a common thought they all stopped

e think of G

per to his

rgherita. And the man'

woman!" it c

id come back

eve that you ha

re any one answered. And Gigi felt the el

. "Father is terrible when he is

lse to fear that night. And his heart san

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