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Chapter 5 Family

Word Count: 3097    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


nd look through her school homework. "The answer is wrong." I pointed at a mathematic question. "What? Are you a mathematic

ng to talk about." They both turned to Armina. "Armina, tell us about Helvisa's mother." I swear if she decided to say even a word a

's very kind and loving mother you'll ever met." The siblings wanted to know more but I interrupt them before Armina could say anything

y covered my mouth and stared at Armina. "Tell us more about her mother." He insisted. "Hmmm. Well, I

hy. She said she have something to ask you." I don't know what to think about this. I understand that she's coming for m

mina, spill it. You know something that I don't." I insisted. "It wouldn't be a secret if I told you. You will have such hectic life

I can't blame her, she always so good with kids and old people. She's friendly and kind to one another. She also reliable whe

well?" I shake my head no. "She's not a demon. She's a Valkyrie." Wait, why is she in my room. "Excuse me, Gisele, why are

that? I do have a husband you know. Even though he's an ass all the time for this whole 9 years." I smirked. "Because whenever I s

have to kill the king for that." I leaned in to the queen. "I can also heal the most precious thing inside your body with my powe

sed the power to see into the dark. I forbid her to see into you and your kids. Don't worry about that but as we're this close, and

. Armand doesn't deserve you. You deserve somebody with charisma and strength. Someo

lurted out before

peasant. Didn't you see how hurt Gaultier and Elaria are when you cry every night?" Her eyes widen. "Your son told us everything Gisele. His concerned a

out of my life. But I'm not strong enough to do so." Oh... there's some love huh. "Alright. You want to continue loving a man who took your capability to

out it Gisele. Think about your kids." I smil


. "Is that your mother Helvisa?" I slowly nodded at the prince question. "She look exactly like you!" He's right, except she have a long

ack. "But .... this maid outfit. So not you, little one." I pulled away from my mom. "Shut up mother. Why are you here? I thought he forbid you to see me." She p

r fail to bring that up whenever we meet each other. "Mom I'm only 500 years old." Mom scoffed. "Helvisa your sister is 30

mom." Mom gave the queen her courtesy and smiled. "I'm sorry for my daughter's rudeness your highness. She tend to have her father's atti

s." Mother kneel down in front of Gaultier. "Hmmmm..." she was staring at the prince feature. "Y

et my father?" Mom nodded. "You must be Gisele." Gisele nodded. "He mentioned about me?" Mom laughed. "Oh yes, Gisele this, Gisele th

on to be who I am now." Mother patted her shoulder. "She's one of the strongest human I've ever met. Trust me when I sa

are you Helvisa?" Somehow I'm not convince that she's here for that reason. "Mother ..." I pulled her near me. "What is it?" Sh

hing except to seek for your help. Since you have that healing power you possessed, maybe, just maybe, you could help her." Retha is sick? My ol

lem. "I am forbid to go back to our realm. Yours included, mother." That man curse me before banished me to this w

igue, she will die before meeting Helvisa." I turned my gaze to Reina who's playing with Elaria. "Reina.." I waved for her. "Yes?" I leaned in to h

r into thin air. "Gisele, you should bring the kids away from here. I don't want them to see my true form." Gisele went to her kids an

ed my wrist before pierced her sharp teeth onto my skin. "More.." I commanded as she bite into my wrist even harder. "More..." Er

side the room and my eyes landed on very weak Retha and her husband. "Retha?" Retha weakly tur

and smiled. "Everything wil


fter doing this ritual but at least Retha seems to be okay now. I simply just slumped on the chair and clos

you again Helvisa." I waved it off. "It's fine mom. Are you going back to Valhalla?" She gave me her sad smile. "Apparently so. I'm sorry I can't stay longer. I never knew this scar

be she's your mate after all." My mom joke. I think. "Shut up. She's married." My mother winked. "Well, marriages can b

seems to take a

tired face. "Why are you so afraid of being in a relationship?" I turned off the water tap and face her. "Because I don't wa

ep at the other room." I lay on the bed and patted the empty space beside me. She started to take off her uniform and w

pped my arms around her stomach and just relaxing my mind for a change. After that countless hours of trying to healed my sist

hoing in my ears as I lay my head on her chest. "Oh yea they will. We leave without saying a word, now we seek for their help. They

ymore. These scars the evidence for those fears." I kept a tight hold on her sto

I heard someone taking a shower in the bathroom. I was surprised to see a glass of blood on the bed side table. When I sniffe

icked up her maid uniform and put it on. I finished the blood in one go and went to the bathroom to preparing myself for the day. When I'm al

I simply

eard the queen and some other voices discussing about something behind the close door. Armina knocked before pushed the door open. "We're here

rious about this?" The queen seems to have some doubt in our capability. I nodded for Armina to take over this pointless discussion. "If I may say

How is that possible for this little island of Gavreau?" This guy named Armel pointed out. "Oh we have some connections or some

s island as long as we're here." Armina convinced the queen and her advisors. She's right though.

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