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Chapter 3 The Audacity

Word Count: 3261    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


tsmarted by a 13 and 9 year old. I am ashamed of myself for letting the lady gone through this again. We sh

No! That's not my intention at all! Ugh! The princess then turned to Eris. "From this smell, you must be a werewolf. Your eyes

se of your energy and you feel pain every time you tried to show your feelings, you're a demon." How can he know that! I blame those books he read. "Yes, I am a demon.

uch but to my surprise, they stared at Helvisa. "You don't scare us. We've met someone far more scary that you." The princ

two may be young but they're our employer! "Don't be mad at her Armina. We don't mind. I mean, we have no true friends. All w

about our father, it happened after Elaria was born. I heard mother and father fought a lot behind their chamber's door. At fi

. "We don't blame our mother because she's the only parent we have that care about us. Sometime I wish for he

ng. Your father is useless for this kingdom. He didn't even do anything to rule it properly." I wish I could covered Helvisa's mouth wi

s. What in the world possessed this demon girl?! I turned around to face Reina and Eris who's eyes were sparkling with admiration. "He

r wrist and just admired her well being. "Hey Helvisa, do you have horns? Like in the illustration, demons have horns and goat feet."

oes exist. The famous one known as the Akeldama royal family. They rule the realm where most creatures like us four came from. H

out Valhalla?" The prince nodded. "If your mother came from Valhalla, that's mean she's a ...." the prince gasped. "A Valkyrie

oks relating to your realm in our mother's private library." Hmmm, their late grandfather huh. I wonder who he is. For someo

ess wondered. "Eris.." Eris nodded and used her sensitive nose to determine the situation. "Pirates? No.. not pirates..

he royal siblings stared at Reina's all white eyes. "Does that mean you can even see through walls?" Reina nodded

with a maid." Eris informed me. Poor kid


an Helvisa. They're just kids." Helvisa clicked her tongue and looked away from me. She also hate it when I'm always right. I smiled at her and pa

I know that Helvisa beginning to feel protective for the kids. She probably didn't know that I saw her warning the siblings about playing alone

went to the car where the prince and princess in. "Thank you Armina." I smiled at how polite this little princess ca

sing her hands. "Don't detest dogs like that. Dog's are cute." Helvisa tried to chase the dog away using her foot. "It's

o him." What can she expect being their servant? "Are you jealous?" I joked. "No. But .... the guards. They seems to be weir

ing in annoyance. "Try to be nice okay?" Helvisa waved me off and went inside rudely. I apologised a lot for her behaviour nowada

ime. Helvisa smiled and walked outside. "Why is she being distance?" Prince Gaultier questioned. "She hates be

ry, your highness." Once I make sure they both in

HT NOW!" Helvisa suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs. "GET YOUR ASSES TO THEIR CAR RIGHT

and princess stay safe laid dead on the ground. "Shit." Reina and I ran to the car and was relief when both the siblings wer

nswer her, she ran in towards me and deflect a ..... is that a bullet?! "REINA!" Reina ran towards me and covered my back as I picked bot

want to see mommy." She started crying on my chest. "This is not the time Elaria!" The prince decided to be strong but he looks like he's about to c

ack to us, naked. She should've just stay as her wolf. "I'll count to 10." But before Helvisa even start to count, a couple of guys in black app

nish the job. All we have to do is to kill the royal kids right?" They must be real stupid if they thought they coul

ou hear, okay?" I felt their body began to relax as they heard my voice. Good, the spell work.


!" She sighed in relief when she saw the royal siblings sleeping on my chest. "What happened?" She asked. "Those guys in black suit killed the guards. They were

clean up this mess." Helvisa was the first to go inside the car but I noticed something is off when she walk. Reina helped me in

know what you're thinking. I don't need sex." She said that but .... "I'm serious Armina. I dont need it." The car stop and Helvisa walked out. I smiled when the quee

e changed from her uniform already? I pick it all up and placed it in the laundry basket. "Helvisa, where are you?" She walked out fro

sure have a boner. I began to rubbed her shaft like always. "Don't ...." she tried to stop me. "Do you want me to use the flame

l you silly." I started to strip and let the uniform down on the floor. I took a step forward and proceed to pulled my underwear next. I pla

haft under me and sat on her shaft. "Ahhhhhhhh...." I moaned. "Does it hurt?" I shake my head. I move my hips and watched her ... I'm not sure if she'

" She smiled as she thrust inside me. "Heal me..." she commanded. I wrapped my hands around her neck and pulled her down. "Fuck

ed to suck it hard while pumping her big magnum inside me. I heard the door were being open but nothing can stop her when she's in the m

'm noticing it. "You're done? Already?" Helvisa grunt and just collapse on me with her shaft still twitching inside me. "Wow... just wow...." Reina and Eris were staring at us.

" After I clean myself up, I examined her injury. "Most of the blood is gone. It's healing pretty well. But, it's best

y uniform again. After I feel satisfy she's okay, I close the door and went to see the queen. "What if she fire us?" Rein

his is the first time you actually gain my attention Gisele. They going to be my companion tonight?" How awful

. "I'm afraid she's not healthy enough to present herself, your highness." I noticed the king's eyes were on R

worth more than that." From the weight of this, it seems more than enough. "Also ...." the queen stood up and walked down from her throne to

h no .... the qu

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