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Chapter 1 Trouble, Trouble

Word Count: 3023    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


nue to be ruled by the Gavreau many years to come. Queen Gisele, the sole heir to the throne was forced to step up as the new ruler at the tender age of 16 after her father, the King perished in a shipwreck on his way to a summit. When she turned 17, the royal advisor thought that she would be too young t

she does leave the king. Even though he's not a loyal husband, he's a devoted father to their children. At the other side of the island, four women were just getting themselves ready for their night shift. Helvisa Balzac, one of many Satan mistress's daughters was banished together with her friends to earth after they committed treason in the underworld. E

Eris looked down to her feet. "Don't be sad Eris, I'll find a nice man for you to feed next time," Reina assured her friend. "Don't get any stupid idea, Reina. You're a siren, yes, but we want to keep the image of being a low profile 'human' as well." Reina pouts and tied her blonde hair in a messy bun. "I'm tired of being a peasant my lady. Why do I ha

anything wrong." Helvisa questioned the owner's sudden action. "You girls have been doing nothing but trouble since I picked you up from the streets!" Mrs Bethra yelled at Helvisa's face. Armina took the chance to wiped the little saliva that was landed on Helvisa's face. Helvisa held her hands up. "But you can't just fire us! There's a law regarding that." Helvisa reasoned. "Law my ass! GET OUT!" Mrs Bethra kicks Helvisa's belonging. Helvisa could see the hatred she has on Reina. "Reina, did you do something?" This time, Helvisa's orbs were completely blackened. Reina gulps down the lumps in her throat. "I .... m-ay ..... seduce

"Well, let's just go home," Helvisa suggested and turn her back to the restaurant. "That place is shit anyways." She mumbled and went home with the others. *** "Did you just fired all of our private chamberlains? Have you gone mad?!" Gisele yelled at her husband, Armand. "Look, dear wife, I can't stand looking at old maids. Hire someone younger." Gisele can't believe her husband fired their old chamberlain just because they are old. "You do realise that those old maids you call were

Good night Gaultier. Sweet dreams." She kissed her son's forehead. "You to mother." After she tucks her son, she proceeds to princess Elaria's room. She chuckled when she saw her daughter practising the dance moves she learned earlier today. "Elaria honey, please go to bed now. You can practice tomorrow with your brother." Elaria blushed deep red and jump on the bed as her mother went to her side. "Don't be shy little one. I was a bad dancer myself." Elaria took a little peek at her perfect mother. "How come? I mean, you look so perfect, mother. Not even a single flaw.

being my representative. I just have to be here since Armand's family decided to visit us." Leon, Gisele's other advisors bow down. "It's been an honour to serve you, my queen. And the summit went great. Everything went as planned," Gisele was happy to hear such good news. "I'll be presenting my achievement in tomorrow's meeting with our prime ministers. I'll explain everything tomorrow." The queen nods. "It's good to hear some great news once in a while." Leon bow. "If I may speak my heart out, your highness?" Gisele gave him her permission. "I know I've said before and I want to say it again. Why not just leave

s sack and placed a souvenir in front of the queen. "Oh, Leon. You still remember my favourite chocolate." Leon smiled when he saw his queen's eyes as if it's sparkling. "Of course. Who could ever forget? I will always remember how you would bury your face on that chocolate when you're little, your highness." Gisele thank his advi


her breath when she walks to the beach after bathing. She was only in her undergarment that showed her athletic figure. She ignores her wet body and putting on her clothes. "Well. Time to se

s face. "Hmmm... what's this?" Armina grabs the paper and read through it. "A position as the royal family chamberlain eh," Armina announced loud. "Wait, this island has its own royal family? I thought it was own by some rich bastard." Eris said with her mouth full. "Don't talk with your mouth full," Armina warn her. She turns to Helvisa who's reading the paper thoroughly. "Shall we take it?" She asked. Helvisa placed th

simply explained it. "What about her?" Helvisa placed her now emptied the glass and licked her lips. "That old man's blood she dried out." Reina gag again. "When do we have to go to the castle?" Helvisa was wondering. "Tomorrow would be nice," Armina suggested. "Hmmm," Helvisa replied her with a hummed. "What do you think? Should we go tomorrow?" Helvisa once again hummed her response. Armina looks at Eris and Reina.

her. They know that every time Helvisa received a letter from her mother, she has the urge to visit her. "My own stupidity for pursuing such treason. Now I can't even see my own mother. This is torture for me." Armina went to her side. "We'll find a way... somehow." She assured her friend. "You told me once before, to never give up. My lady, I was dying when you found me locked up and was tortured by those villagers. You save me even

"What a minute. Those siren sound familiar to me." Eris remembered something but she came to seem to make out as what. "Pirates. Those are pirates warning siren." Reina explained. "Pirates in the island? That's absurd." Eris laughed it off. "The guards probably just testing out the sound. If it'

is joking around. "Eris Garr. We're going to the castle to work. Not impregnating the princesses. Be a good

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