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Word Count: 2170    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

laming flower beds and smooth clipped l

owers bloomed modestly in retired corners, veiled f

der of gold and purple fleur-de-lis, where a marble cupid rode gaily on the

vingly to the old stone wall that was the western barrier of the garden. And there was a bed of myrtle, and another one of verbenas, over which the butterflies hovered on hot summer days, a

of his wife, and the departure of his only son to sail the seas, the darkened windows of the old house had cast a

n the gay cupid and the sleeping flowers, and from the open window came the lilt of girlish laughter and

ic changed to a w

was swaying back and forth, keeping time with her

e it, too,"

an Nights' dream. Hitherto the girls that she had known had been demure and u

d, as Judy jumped up from the

shoulder, and Anne bustled about, and cleare

y bent over a great

floor-bright hued gowns, picturesque hats, and a miscellaneous collecti

the shawl about her in the Spanish manner, put on the high-heeled slippers, stuck an artificial

a big chair, too happy for words, and waved to Judy to go on, while s

heard the click of castanets

child doing,"

ilder, and the high heels beat double raps on the floor. Then, sudde

again, Judy," and the Judge clapped

rls poked their hea

," Anne's tone was rapturous

" Judy asked. She w

Come and dance

ite light of the moon, which turned her scarlet trappings

fine?" s


ime with his cane, "and Judy lived in Spain with her mother for a ye

udge had been raised in the days when children heard often the rhyme, "Praise to the face,

of it, my dear," he said, with a doubtful shake of his

mother dance?

hy, Judy, there wasn't a couple that could beat your

bench beside him, and fanned he

o glad. Some day I shall give a party, and have all the people of the

's rash promise, and with a quick laugh, Judy

"and get something to eat now. I didn't eat m

d go. "I-I haven't thought of being hungry," s

scornfully. "And danc

ed, and Mary, and ever


ns?" asked Judy with

hopelessly the slave of his se

a reproachful finger at him, "I be

on't believe you will find anything, anyhow. And if you eat up anything that he has ordered for breakfast, you will have an unpleasant time accoun

d Judy, "I'll make the peace, grandfather


ay you were not in the kitchen, because you are to stay right here, and

ded her little speech, by tucking her hand through the Judge's ar

a long time, so long that th

that seemed to come fro

t's the matter, my dear?

ubdued shriek, then

e-box," announced Anne, hu

ul," ejacula

r hall, "and Judy unlocked the door of the ice-box and got inside, and she still had the key in her hand

ul," said th

all room. It was in a remote corner of the lower h

out," came in muffled


ild," said the Judge, "how

. I shall freez

Judy?" shivered An

me out, let me out," and J

th nervousness, "I shall call Perkins-yes, I really think I shall have

eat in there?" Anne as

ame in, and there are lots of things. But I don't want

vised Anne soothingly

he is comi

was his stock in trade, and how could one be dignified in an old overcoat and bedroom slippers? But the Judge's summ

aid, severely. "I guess we will

rning," raged the Judge, "t

kins, loftily, "oh, no,

es in that th

cold," said the Judge

t to get her out no

rkins, "then I'll have to

off the lock?"

I can't take off no locks, sir," and so the Judge had to be content, while the i

ewhat cowed Judy that

Judge, as he received the woebegone heroine in his arms, "

g to eat in that awful box-enough for an army-but I don't feel as

rkins. "It's lucky you and Miss Anne didn't eat them,"

all about the picnic in the excitement of the evening, all about Judy

r guiltily, as Judy sank down on

?" she deman

dy, miss," said Perkins, dismally, and

r, Anne?" asked the

e alone in the world. P

ing at her, and th

nyhow, Judy," she said. "We thought maybe y

rway. Half-way up she turned and looked down at the three conspira


cried poor

randmother, turned his offended back on this self-willed and unworthy

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