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Word Count: 1982    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ne, then sat down discons

e said,

able silence, Anne asked,


t, "they thought

as China?" question

id Nannie with a superior air; "h

me any preserved gi

sheepish, as the memory of certa

going to give up. I am going to be a sai

up and fixed him

sea?" she ask


r did y



up all my money, so

ver been on


ther was in

near to this fas

you tell me," said Judy, and sank b

ng to run away any more-he is going to stay here, and

of gentle girlhood, but in Judy he now found a kindred spirit, a girl with a daring that more

uncertainly. "I guess I can

Anne. "You ought not

said Judy, but there was a

was ready to be forgiven. To eat of the fatted calf-if he should be so lucky. If not, to eat hum

lace like this all his life," he said, to

e, quietly, "but if you had seen you

mmy lowere

ered, huskily, "po

And now he turned his back on

e in on Anne's story. He c

began, then sto

laimed, "hello,

" said Tomm

on the high seas by

to be," said Tom

. We have missed you a

im on the shoulder

Judy?" h

ung lady in the corner. "Tommy w

't have a thing but some mustard and red pepper, and I was

o laugh, but s

he said, "I a

, you'r

t I

across the field when


sed Launcelot, "

y, and turned h

ed down at her

ree where you fa

Judy's shoulder wa

uck by lightning

facing him now, brea

." His face w

softly, "oh, and I m


aided, trailed its dark length over her should

, nervously, "what a baby, La

ime, little girl, and don't get fussy," wa

nd the smile she gave him

raining," said A

ftly, bringing with it the fresh smell of the

t; "he stayed in the carriage, and Perkins put up t

oom for me to ride home?" To

three seats. Pretty long tramp you had, didn't y

ith a quiver in his vo

stioned Launc

n't had a square meal for a week,"

y. "Oh, Tommy," she asked in a str

ye on him, and was forced to contin

ike that," he asserted. "Suppos

d Amelia, "with bread

s," ventur

ark young lady on the hay; "

e shipwrecks,"

t half as interesting

sert is

is such an old story


oul had been fired by the thought of a life of adventure on the deep. He had talked to the little gir

" he said, dolefully, "if there ain't any p

smell of it, and the wind, and the wide blue water and the wide blue sky. It is so

ch and began to gather

at she did it to

her emotion. "Yes, I do

et I could find a trea

get your tobacco and your grog, and be frozen and stiff in the winter storms and hot and weary in the summer ones. But if you really loved the sea

y, open-mouthed

d face and at the trembling hands that could scarcely f

nant Tommy, switching h

was deep in the argument

runaway something to eat, and thereby tempered justice with mercy. And as Tommy had expected the scoldi

l?" asked the Judg

ked her hand into his, "only I

t go right home. Perkins and I will sit on the front seat, and

down on the floor at the back, with their feet on

shook h

t here," she said. "He wants

lone and unseen by those in the front of the wagon, he opene

hey ain't much, but I thought

and white shells, a starfis

ach," said Tommy, "and I th

you to think of me," sai

my. "There was some lovely jewelry made out of

Tommy," said Anne, with appreciation

kerchief, and then she folded her hands in her lap and to

ows were flying in a straight black line to the woods to roost. As Anne talked on, the firef

d Tommy, as the lights began to twinkle in the

-he was awfully angry-but you

as unburdening his soul. It was so easy to tell things to gentle

go again," said little Anne,

tiously. He didn't want

teasing laugh. Then h


here for aw

y," said Anne, wit

way, and the lights from the big hous

find a treasure isl

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