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Word Count: 1212    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

door of her room when

said, "I want

led voice, and Anne, who had foll

was gentle, "I know, but I

y, and he led the wa

the little fountain, and the drone of lazy insects. The moon

you know, my dear, that you a

prised at the turn the

" she

o things." His eyes were fixed dreamily on a bed

ed. She had expected a lecture,

flowers-and in yo

t up haughtily.

, and she conquered hers-and I am going to tell you how she

ut if the truth must be told, she was a little proud of her temper-"I have an awful temper," she had confessed on several occasions, and when meek admirers had murmured, "How dreadful," she had tossed her head and had said, "But

d to conquer it. It often gave her wh

it, and there was real lace to trim it with. It was beautiful and I wanted her to have it, but when they named the price it was more than I could pay-I was a poor lawyer in those days, Judy-so I said we would think it over, and we went home. All the way there your grandmother was very quiet and very whi

effect, I sat down and looked at her helplessly, and troubled as I was, I could not help thinkin

w her in the garden, this garden, my dear, and she was flying around the oval path, as if she were walkin

wn on her forehead, but as she walked I saw her face clear, and when she had completed the round a doz

the tenderest tremble in her voice, 'John Jameson, I was a hateful thing.' I tried to stop her, but she in

ad dropped on my shoulder. 'Oh,' she cried, 'h

?' I asked, and she whispered, 'Oh

temper, and so I went into the garden and walked and walked, and do you know, John Ja

reminiscent smile on his old face, "and so perfectly did she conquer herself, that whe

the slender, imperious figure, the intent girlish face, and out of her knowledge of her own nature, she had entere

he Judge's quavering voice dropped

, and I want you

'll try," she said, simply, "than

the old man wistfully, and then as she di

uickly. With all her fau

ek. "You are so good to me," she said, evasively,

ea, a soft seeking hand curled within her own, and Anne whispered, "I didn't mean to make you unhappy, Judy," and Judy, clear-eyed and repentant in the darkness of

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