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The Billionaire's Ex-Lover

Chapter 4 04

Word Count: 1348    |    Released on: 03/01/2023

l as she took a cab to the graveyard. All her life, she had never celebrate

ng Seattle and not visiting, as us

dollars, picked up the flowers, and climbed down. She b

owledge of who killed her parents. She raised her brows and wa

as written in bold letters. She bent down and dropped the flower, then

, her eyes clouded with tears,

y for not telling you sooner," Kathl

news?', I bet you must be happy to know I have a little girl now. Her

on. And..well, I'm back now, though it's temporary, if my stay works here, it'd be permanent." She paused, "I missed you, mom." She adde

stopped a cab and entered, a black-tinted car parked up at the b

one of his pocket jackets. He was holding on to a fl

d. He had been visiting since she left and never for once seen a

be her. She couldn't be the one, could she?. She can never co

e the other one. He looked at the name

ne to dial the number of his priva


ainst his ear, "Why don't we

to meet the managing president

" She asked, feel



he time, it was 7:08 pm. He shook his hea

ld his driver, who n

phone against her mouth thoughtfully. She had prepared herself for ton

she met him broken but she restored and nurtured him back t

ed to have him officially. That could boost up her plan to seduce him tonight

reserved for them and fortunately, she saw a femal

andra asked, taking out

He completed, t

seat," Sandra said, then sat d

The woman he heard of was bold, he was told she had this look of leadership, and she w

ing grandchild of Houston's family. And if calculated, people thought the person to

company. I'm sorry, Ms Kat couldn't come because she had pres

a woman. That e

the morning to her office by 10:00

ed some rest, and I also ass

ght." Then she stood up, "Thank

swered her and she walked away. He br

ated, then started wal


lace she wore on top of her red lingerie. Her curves and shape were enticing, she knew he would

the bedroom, she stood still, not look

is it?." His voice booms into the room

thing different." She told him. Aiden hungrily looked

hroat, "I like i

on top of the bed. A tray of different

bed or this charming sexy lady in front of him?. Clara s

sked, bringing up a conve


t expect it to end so

see didn't show up." He re

ess-like. Who has the

ctually. So far, it has be

se. Her plans didn't seem to go in her favor, he

n him. Aiden outstretched his hand and zipped down her dress. For a moment, he

looked at her one more time

a's face was an

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