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The Billionaire's Ex-Lover

Chapter 6 06

Word Count: 1245    |    Released on: 03/01/2023

to order coffee. Kat looked through the window, watching cars parked at th

ing across her as he handed her the coffee cup. Kat smiled and col

al business." She told him.

thing happened, but deep down it felt like something had left us. The world had no meaning, but we gotta live our lives. Have you seen him yet?." He

hide from him because we do business togethe

at Clara came back three years ago, before then, he was empty but now, she made him move on. But I

my parents' death on their anniver

nd her a friend." Damon replied and she s

interesting, the girl who caused him pain or the way he

esting soul." She voiced out

I'm here for business." She said, then d

all, showcasing different pots of flowers. His eyes squinted as he tr

y phoned his private investigator. After talking to him

e you?." She asked

e stated, then ended the call and

aw her through the glass, sitting at a table.

gh she didn't think Damon lied about Aiden, coming to the grave every 14th Feb

e took it out of her back

r voice said. Her eyes twitche

voice. Lucas cleared his throat, "I called to che

ing here?." She asked him carefully. L

ng on opening the branch today without my presence?." H

grandma and in the

immediately. She turned and walked out of the gate of the cemetery, meanwhil


r coat and handed it to Sandra. She walked

tonight, do you know?." She

alled me and I sen

eing them together made things seem worst. Lucas and Aiden don't get along at all. Well, for Lucas, Aiden was someone

"I spoke with Mr. Smith today, we signed the agree

sinessman, and a businessman grabs an opportunit

ess for th

dy pushes a rack into the room. Kat waited un

evening dress in light blue. Looking at the hands of the lady was an expensive diamond necklace. Kat slowly dropped

said, and Kat scoffed, "I'm a Garr

the car." She ordered and wa


arbored fine men and women with great connections and influence. The whole place sparkled

to extend the Denx

try. I heard the youngest child of Ho

father's offer to take over but foolishly ran away with h

, hardworking businessman before he died. It's a relief it d

dchild a man

person is, operated behind

ty to begin. Soon, words arose from the entrance as people whispered within thems

with only light makeup. People admired her curves, he

nd as he looked into his phone, he saw t

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