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The Billionaire's Ex-Lover

Chapter 9 09

Word Count: 1431    |    Released on: 03/01/2023

could not help but recall all that happened in th

irs. She recognized the lady as Clara Williams. She was tall, slend

y smiled at them and s

's home. Please make

ooked at Kat with her cold blue eyes and with a plain expression, the

a corner and looked at them, "Ma

nd was elsewhere. As she looked down on her fingernails and waited for Aide

he ask to see her, and wha

ooked up and swallowed up at the sight of Aiden. He had that aura he always had on him, he had become more handsome with the

y-going, handsome man too. The ladies in town where he lived wished to have him, they saw him as a prince of the town. But why can't Kat see him that well

o. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for coming to

nged a bit. He was just the same man she ever loved. He confused her by t

d placed her right hand on his very soft hand, he smiled, leaned his head forward, and kissed

nd slowly and smirked. Kat shut her eyes, this man was playing with her feelings. She knew Aiden Sm

as they began eating, well except for Kat. She alwa

ed, Clara scorned inwardly, Aiden only smiled. It was clear enough for his sensitiv

one. If not for your help, I wouldn't have been wher

ed at Clara. He picked her hand, and everywhere was quiet, Kat

Unlike some." That did it. Everyone was stunned, now it was clear, he resented her, it was to spit

eat her up, she

ot to move, her emotions were rigid aft

atched him, she simply took a sip and smiled a


utside to receive a call, Kat had felt uncomfortable sitting at a table withou

and looked back, "I asked if you know your way around." She repeat

ember she lived here before?.

oss her room, she tried to open it but it was locked, sh

s is not the guest roo

e lead

wed her, then something crossed her mind, "Can I ask why i

er been able to see the room open. I heard that since the

kept her room locke

and turned to leave, "I believe you

this room was Hayley's room when she was here. It was neat and in order. Kat walked

inish her job over here, so she can avoid unnecessary drama. But then, it was

enough for her to start walking out of the bathroom. When she walked out, she bumped

n at her. "I was wondering if

u want?." S

en't changed a bit, Kat." He

d a question, Aiden." Her vo

d she looked up, "I'm setting up a compan

you hated

. When I find an opp

d, "Are y

rowed h

sure w

here for that?. Is there

at he just asked for a mome

e asked, "Is that why


you want

y city." Kat pushed him aside and started walking to

ival now." With that said, she


trend, but when he heard her say a rival

ow much she

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