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An Eternal Kind of Love

Chapter 3 The Target

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 19/01/2023


d and searched for years trying to find her but e

she could be doing right now. My ears perk up

e target. He's a business man that has been using

m to the highest bidder. The authorities have been trying to month

cided to become a mercenary for the humans. My division has the hi

ss than 10 minutes. "Move out." We go to make our escap

s guards approach us ready to strike. Me and My men begin t

ight for my heart until a hand swiftly gr

een eyes that I have been searching for

t me before striking a man that tried

d we both pull apart to dodge it. She whistles out and more men dres

er legs around his head to snap his neck and then flipp

fighting skills have far surpassed my own. She quickly takes down two more

but I'm shocked when I see it perfectly lodged

falls into a heap before tur

nd I lung forward knocking a guy that

ff of her hands onto her tights. "Laya where

k that perhaps I did not want to be found." I throw a gu

e twirls two knives in her hands and slices

er hair and pulls her hood back over her

e has a chance. "WAIT! Laya please, can we ta-" she glares down at my han

ing down harder. I struggle trying to get

lways strong but now she's on

it longer and scoffs before r

off not even looking back once. I know that what I did before was wrong. I s

ld make her stop. Something to get her to listen to me. M

I can sho-" she rushes forward slamming me

t even get a connection with him yet you expect me to believe that you know where

nternally I'm elated. I've missed her so much and if letting her throw me around is what I

ne. But if you're lying to me." I flinch a little as

nod my head and she drops me on the ground before walki

ck. She holds up one of m

y Turning the corner, disappearing into the ni

et her off of my mind. I jus

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