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An Eternal Kind of Love

An Eternal Kind of Love



In a world where humans and vampires live amongst each other, trouble always finds a way to show its ugly face. Laya is the worlds finest assassin. She is also a vampire. She and her partner have protected humans from demons for hundreds of years. What changed?

Chapter 1 Destiny


"LAYA GET DOWN!" I quickly duck down as Tess throws a stone at a demon lunging at me from the opposite direction. I look over at it lying in a heap and smile at her.

"Thank you dear. I almost missed that one." Tess laughs and we run off together killing any demons that dare get in our way.

In case you don't already know, me and Tess are vampires. For the past 500 years we have been inseparable. I honestly couldn't imagine living throughout eternity without her.

Tess is a tall and muscular woman with dark skin and short curly hair. She was a slave in her human life who was turned into a vampire by a woman that pitied the sad life she was living.

I on the other hand, am rather small with fair skin, but don't let that fool you. With the help of my charms and my small frame I am able to nimbly swoop in and kill my prey without so much as breaking a sweat.

My combat skills are far more advanced than Tess's because i was apart of the royal guard in her human life.

Yes, there are women in the guard.

I was trained to live and fight for the royals when one night, as i was enjoying a night out with some friends, a woman coaxed me into a corner and turned me into a blood sucking vampire.

At first I was upset because honestly, who wants to be a vampire?

It was a real drag knowing id have to pretty much spend eternity alone. There was no point in creating any new relationships just for me to have to watch them die. Being alone seemed to be the best option.

I was minding my business one night when a group of men approached me as I was passing an alley way.

"Aye there sweetie. What are you doing out here by yourself?" I rolled my eyes and tried to keep walking when one of them blocked my path.

I sighed looking them over unimpressed. "Listen gentlemen, I have an appointment tonight so if you want to live another day, I suggest you move out of my way."

I go to push through them when suddenly one pushes me against the alley wall and gets in my face. "Now now precious, what's the hurry?" He pulls out a knife and slices a slit in my skirt cutting my leg a little. "Were only looking for a little fun."

I look down at my ruined skirt and glare at him with my eyes glowing red. "That was my favorite skirt."

Fear plagues his eyes, but it's too late.

In a matter of seconds I slice through each of their necks,ripping out their throats.

I watch as they all fall in a heap and sigh at the condition of my skirt. "Well poo. Now I have to buy a new skirt."

Im about to clean up the scene when I feel a chill run down my spine followed by a voice. "Hey there. I was on my way to help but it seems like you were able to handle things on you're own just fine."

In one swift movement, I raise a dagger up to her throat but meraculously she stops it.

I raise an eyebrow at her as she smirks at me. "Man you're quick. I was almost a goner."

I scoff and pull my knife away. "Let me guess, another vampire?"

She smiles and points at me. "Bingo. And Here I was thinking you were a damsel in distress." I roll my eyes and go back to moving the bodies completely ignoring her.

I start to drag one away when she's suddenly face to face with me.

I'm shocked because I didn't even sense her Movements.

. I look up into her eyes and my blood runs colder than usual.

Those eyes have seen things. She may be smiling at me now, but I can tell that she has a dark past. "Need a hand with that?" She asks as she reaches behind me to grab one of the men.

I blush a little as I notice our proximity. "No no I've got it!"

She may be kind of shady, but that doesn't mean she isn't hot.

I push past her trying to keep my composure when I start to feel dizzy.

My legs begin to buckle and everything goes black.

When I woke up, I realized I wasn't in my own home. I quickly went on the defensive and went to strike her in the face but she blocked it just like before. "Hey hold on! Is that the way to thank your savior?"

I tilt my head at her and look down realizing I'm only in my underwear and a tshirts with a bandage around my thigh. My face instantly heats up as I cover myself more with the blanket before yelling at her. "Where the Fuck are my clothes you perv?!"

She raises her hands in defense and hands them back to me. "They were soaked in blood and ripped up so I fixed them and washed them for you. I didn't try anything I swear!" I glare at her searching for any doubt in her eyes but I find none.

"Fine. Just turn around while I change." She obliged and as I was getting dressed, I got curious about the bandage on my thigh. "Do you know what happened to me?" She peeked back to make sure I was done before turning to face me.

"Apparently one of the guys that attacked you had a knife laced with poison. I am immune to all poisons so I was able to extract it from you and patch you up good as new." I give her a look and her face drops.

"Extract? How did you extract it?" She rubs the back of her head explaining how she had to suck the poison from my thigh and my face gets more and more red with every word.

No one has ever done anything like that for me my whole life.

This person has so many layers to them. I get the feeling that there is this darkness surrounding them yet,her personality completely contradicts that.

That night, I stayed at her house. Over time we became the best of friends and eventually, she stole my heart.

As we grew closer, i found out the she was one of the fallen ones. A group of vampires hell bent on taking over the human race so that vampires could rule.

One day,she was hurt. She was prepared to lay there and die when an old woman saved her. She was human yet she showed her so much kindness.

Ever since then she renounced her allegiance to the fallen ones and left the country they resided in.

She still has the mark on her back but In my eyes, that's not what defines her. She is a sweet caring person and my love for her has grown each day over the past 500 years.

It must have been destiny that we were turned into vampires because spending and eternity with her sounds like heaven on earth.

Human lovers only have a limited time on this earth with each other, yet we can be together, for all of eternity.

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