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Celeste, Aphrodites daughter, has been banished to earth for her misconduct in Mt. Olympus. Her mother has tasked her with repairing the love lives of mortals until her debt is repaid but there is one rule she must follow. She cannot fall in love with a mortal or else, she will die.

Chapter 1 Celeste

"Alright so all I have to do is get them to-"

Suddenly someone crashes into me but before she can fall down, I quickly grab onto her waist and stand her upright.

"Wow careful there."

Her face heats up for a second before she grabs my shirt and pulls me over to a corner.

"Oh! But we only just met."

She frowns up at me as she frantically checks our surroundings.

"Don't kid yourself. I'm just hiding from my controlling ass boyfriend. Can you help me out?"

I raise an eyebrow at her response but when I sense someone with intense rage getting closer, I place both of my arms on either side of her and lower my head to the crook of her neck so that she's completely covered.

"How's this?"

A hint of pink rises into her cheeks as I hear her clear her throat.

"Don't get any ideas."

She growls as she shifts against me.

I laugh a little at how feisty she is and when I feel his aura leave the area, I pull away from her.

"Alright. Coast is clear."

She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear as she thanks me for helping her out.

"I'll get out of your way now."

She goes to walk away but I take hold of her hand before she gets too far.

"Hold on now. Do I atleast get your name?"

She rolls her eyes and pulls her hand away.

"Elaina. Have a good day."

With that, she rushes off in the opposite direction the guy went and I can't help but smile as I think about our interaction.

"Strange one that is."

My name is Celeste and I am a Demi goddess.

My mother is Aphrodite, the goddess of sexual love and beauty.

As you would think, my life was pretty great.

While I was in mount Olympus, I could do whatever and be with whomever I pleased.

I was on top of the world. Literally.

That is until my mother decided to cast me out.

"Celeste my child, you can not spend all of eternity sleeping with women and causing mischief. You need to start taking you godly duties seriously."

My mother scolded after bursting into my chambers one morning.

I sighed as I eased out of my bed full of lovely women and slipped on a robe.

"Mother I already told you I don't want to have godly duties. Why can't I just live how I please? You seem to be doing just fine from what I can tell."

This really seemed to set her off.

For the goddess of love, she sure can be scary sometimes.

Long story short, she cast me down to earth and said I could only return to mount Olympus if I fulfilled the duties I should have already been doing.

Helping mortals with their love lives.

I'm basically fucking Cupid.

In order to keep me here, she forced these invisible shackles on me so that I can move freely in the mortal world but I can't go too high into the sky.

This way, I can complete all of my tasks but can't return home.

Talk about being grounded.

This whole thing is dumb in my opinion but what my mother said to me before I was kicked out really stuck to me.

"If you fail to complete these duties, I'll have no choice but to remove your wings and leave you in the mortal realm. If you don't want to be a god, you can live amongst the ones on earth."

A shiver runs through my spine as I think back to that.

My wings are very precious to me and if I were to lose them, it would not only be painful but I would lose a part of myself as well.

A few days have passed since I ran into that girl.

I'm walking down a sidewalk one night when I notice a familiar voice coming from across the street.

"You're being a Dick!"

It seems like her and her boyfriend, whom I now know is named Cedric, are arguing about something again.

He must have done something to piss Elaina off because she is walking away from him and doesn't seem to want anything to do with him at the moment.

I plan to just ignore them because it's not my business, but then I feel his rage begin to build again.


He forcefully grabs her and pulls her back to him and I feel my whole body tense up.

He raises his hand as if he's going to strike her but before he can make contact, I grab his wrist and squeeze it hard enough for him to wince.

"That's enough."

He gives me a bewildered look as I step in front of elaina.

"Who are you? One of her bitch ass friends?"

I frown at him and watch as the color drains from his face when my eyes begin to glow.

"Leave. Now."

He staggers back away from me before turning on his heels, cursing under his breath.

"Fucking bitch."

I turn to check on elaina but she just pushes me out of the way.

"God you made things worse. Just leave me alone!"

She rushes after him and I shake my head in disbelief.

He was clearly trying to harm her yet, i'm the bad guy?

"Mortals are so dumb."

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