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How far is just enough?

How far is just enough?



When you ask your best friend to help you find new ways to please your boyfriend, what's the worst that can happen?

Chapter 1 Damsel In Distress


Saturday nights are always busy at Andy's Bizarre Bar and Lounge. The seven o clock rush has already passed and I feel like if i have to pull the tap on this cheap ass keg of beer one more time, I'm going to vomit.

My name is Ashley Stanton and I'm a junior at AMU. I'm 5,6 with light brown skin because I'm part black, part Latina,I have a nice body courtesy of both sides, and I have long curly black hair that I love. Luckily my family is fortunate enough to pay for my schooling so I only work here to earn some extra cash.

All of the patrons are pretty drunk by now and I'm trying my best to keep my spirits up, but this guy at the end of the bar just won't give it a rest.

"So uhh...what time do you get off? Ive got no plans tonight."

He has this sickening grin on his face that gives off the impression that he thinks i'll be an easy catch.

He isn't the worst looking man I've seen come in tonight, but he's definitely the most annoying, and not my type.

"Thanks for the offer,but I'm not interested in going home with anyone tonight."

I turn my back to him in order to grab a glass off the back shelf and almost drop it when I feel his hand wrap around my wrist.

"Hold on now. Don't turn away. We're just getting started."

I feel his fingers dig into my skin as our eyes meet.

His darken slightlyand I feel a drop of fear spark within me but I hold it together.

"I said. I'm not. Interested." I try to pull my hand away but he quickly pulls me in closer and whispers in my ear.

"Don't make this into a whole scene now. Why don't you go ahead and-" His voice catches in his throat as a hand grips onto his shoulder.

"I'm pretty sure the lady said she isn't interested. Let her go, and go on about your business."

I watch as their knuckles flex, adding more pressure.

He finally releases my hand and turns to face them, or rather, look up at them.

I back away from the bar to get some distance from him when i realize the person that came to my rescue, is actually a woman.

She's about 5'9 and dark skinned with dreadlocks. She's wearing a white muscle shirt with some black jeans, black and white sneakers, and a leather jacket.

With her height, she's slightly taller than him and by the way she's filling out her jacket, I'm guessing stronger.

He looks her up and down and scoffs as if he doesn't see her as a threat yet, his body language is telling a different story.

"What's it to you dyke? We were just having a friendly conversation."

A throaty laugh comes from her at his attempt to insult her. It's almost as if she finds the whole situation amusing.

Her eyes raise up over his head and when our eyes meet, breathing becomes a bit difficult.

"Hey, you okay?"

A blushes spreads across my cheeks as her hazel eyes search mine for an answer.

She has this energy about her that's staggering.

It's as if she is genuinely concerned about me even though I'm a complete stranger.

I don't realize how long it's taken me to respond until she raises an eyebrow at. Her jaw tightens and the playful demeanor she had before turns into a more serious one.

"Did he hurt you?"

I shake my head no and a smile quickly spreads across her face.

"Good, I'm glad you're okay."

I give her a slight nod as I feel my face heat up. Diamonds seem to shine in her eyes as I see them soften towards me.

Almost as if she is relieved.

"Hey! You're just going to act like I'm not even here now?! Stop wasting my time, Or else I'll make you regret it."

She burst into a fit of laughter as she turns her attention back down to him.

"Aww, not getting enough attention huh? That's cool. Listen buddy..."

She cooly wraps an arm around his shoulder and draws him in close to her so that only he and I can hear her.

"You see these guys posted up everywhere?"

He looks around as she points to all of the bouncers in the room.

He visibly flinches when he realizes all of their eyes are fixed on him and It's almost as if he shrinks down even smaller.

"Yeah. See you fucked up. You put your hands on their girl so in their eyes, they can beat the brakes off of you and sleep perfectly fine tonight."

Beads of sweat form on his temple as he sees them start to move in closer.

"See, I thought they should beat your ass myself because any man that puts his hands on a woman deserves a beating in my opinion."

He visibly gulps as he tries to back away from her but she only tightens her grip.

"However, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I figured, maybe he's had a few too many drinks and isn't being himself. Maybe he does deserve to keep his bones intact tonight. So i convinced them to let me see what's up before they made a move. Now they only gave me five minutes and it's been about 3 by now which is why they're closing in so if I were you I'd make a choice."

She turns him back to face me and he is visibly shaking. All of the confidence he had less than ten minutes ago is completely gone.

"You can either apologize to the nice young lady and go about your day."

His eyes squeeze shut as he winces against her. Her grip Is so tight on him, im surprised she hasn't broken anything yet.

"Or you can wait 30 seconds and I'll let my friends handle the rest."

The bouncers are only a few feet from the bar now. She looks down at her watch but he didn't waste any time.

"I-I-I'm t-terribly sorry ma'am. I won't bother you again!"

She looks at me, her eyes raised in question.

"Do you accept?"

I nod my head and she smiles before patting him on the back.

"Good man!"

She looks back at the bouncers and they all nod before heading back to their posts.

"Alright, the coast is clear. Now get outta here before I change my mind."

He frantically nods his head before running out of the bar with his tail between his legs.

I cant help the laugh that escapes my lips when I see him almost trip over a stool on the way out.

I look back toward the woman as she takes a seat at the bar.

"Thank you so much for your help. How do you know the bouncers?"

She shrugs and waves back at them.

"They're a bunch of old college buddies of mine. I came in and while we were catching up I saw him getting handsy with you. They wanted to throw the guy through a window but I convinced them to let me handle it."

I smile and take one of her hands in mine.

"Well I can't thank you enough, that guy has been a pain all night."

She smiles at me before nodding her head.

"Happy to help. I'm Sam by the way."

I smile at her as she extends her hand out to me.

"Ashley. It's nice to meet you."

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