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Life-and-Death Elixir Emperor

Chapter 2 Unpopular Alchemy Knowledge

Word Count: 2186    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

s silent, with

ustrations, his smile awkwardly solidified in the air, a

atus with a history of more than ten years has been regarded as low-grade spirit grass, with sunflower-water negative character. It can neutralize many potent medicinal materials and is often us

nd leaves were gathered up. In the golden sunlight in the morning, it w

and leaves are loosened and weakened, it proves that the time is

clear explanation. They all nodded, and looked at Liu Xuefei at

en agrimony and ophiuros exaltatus. She also nodded and suffered taught. In fact, she also needed

, she soon found something was wrong. She clearly wanted to gi

ower-water negative character"? Was

r elixir, a small amount of agrimony was needed. But she did not know the reason. Anyway,

er-water negative character?" A sensitiv


i froze o

elp but answer the alchemy knowledge that even Tang Mingyang kn

the corner of Tang Mingyang 's mouth, seeming that he


u Xuefei snorted, just using her anger to cover up her guilty conscience because she could not answer

cond question?" Tang Min

h you happened to learn some partial knowledge it i

ight! That

was normal for her not to understand it as there was sti

an unknown alchemist and not recognized by the alchemy world, and happened to

ight! It w

fei felt that her momentu

al kno

ent really had fallen into decay. As a one-star alchemist, t

e elixir is divided into yin and yang, and the five elements are combined. These elixir would mix together when there was an interpromoting relation between different properties of elixir. On the contrary, they would be mutually exclusive when there was restriction. In the five elements of

words, and had already clearly

er the stage see

s it right


to this theory with

yang, the five elements, heavenly stems, and earthly branches, as well as interpromoting relation and restriction

from?" Liu Xuefei ignored students' qu

t basic alchemy knowledge, and it will be recorded i


fei's f

e commo

rd in any of

as one of the three major four-star alchemy masters of Chu. In the library, there w

ect to say i

ook she never found out. The alchemy theory she had neve

Tang Mi

a face with a grudging face and gritted her teeth,

e elements of the alchemy, and the principle of heavenly stems and earthl

n sense, it was another t

r, he couldn't fully grasp the pharmacology of the Yin

these things. In fact, you have already practiced wooden

explained and wanted t

ll pretended, which was alread

eyes were very murderous, and the jade hand hidden i

ur teacher, you absolutely understand." T

, only feeling that her dignity wa

hat is wood

ve and studious student

re. She usually asked them to ask questions i

ed him to hurry to clamp his testis with his legs. Panicked in his heart, he thought to himself: I j

uiet under Liu Xuef

t have Tang Mingyang stumped with the two

t is wooden alchemy, and how can yo

hat her mentality at this time was beyond just tickling, but also a layer

ower and belongs to the nature of the heavenly stems. According to the path of the five elements, water can product wood, so the medicinal gas they emit will blend together and

hemy? Teacher, is i

subversive theory for students who had never been in contact with it. Putting two herbs toget

oldly questioned: "Tang Mingyang , do you treat us as a fool? Where is the elixir? If you can't explain it in det

her very frustrated. The classmates asked her for proof, but she could not answer. Not only she was faceless, but also h

g Mingyang , and the classmates

gyang , where

o make alchemy. Who wouldn't? The

He gently touched his belly with his hand and

ut, they burst into laugh a

Tang Mingyang , I think your boa

to make wooden alchemy? It's very s

assroom, without respecting the teach

y sitting in the front row who had just shown the il

sroom, only one person did n

hing, she looke

escription, and vaguely felt that wh

sson, so the agrimony and lion-tailed grass that

hree together would have a magical effect. If the boy inhaled in large amounts, it would have the ef

e used to punish those student

ed by her grandfather. She remembered this which was written in the end of e

xirs were in his stomach, didn't it coinci

ddenly. Was this a coincidence, or di


p qu

yang with unprecedented seriousness, saying one by one:

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1 Chapter 1 Reincarnation2 Chapter 2 Unpopular Alchemy Knowledge3 Chapter 3 Elixir was eaten by you4 Chapter 4 The poorest and luckiest man5 Chapter 5 Overt conspiracy and bitter ploy6 Chapter 6 Kneel down, very arrogant7 Chapter 7 You 're done8 Chapter 8 Golden Red Medicine Hall9 Chapter 9 Dragon-blood locust tree10 Chapter 10 The Secret of the Jin Family11 Chapter 11 Dragon Blood Battle Techniques12 Chapter 12 The Biggest Demon13 Chapter 13 Love Is Priceless14 Chapter 14 Getting the Axe15 Chapter 15 Self-inflicted, Not Alive16 Chapter 16 Jin Wanru's Talent17 Chapter 17 Alchemy of Alchemy18 Chapter 18 A Mess19 Chapter 19 Pill As Jade20 Chapter 20 Laughter and Kowtow21 Chapter 21 Get Out22 Chapter 22 Harsh Conditions23 Chapter 23 Be A Great Cause24 Chapter 24 Suspicion25 Chapter 25 Arrogance and Fury26 Chapter 26 Be a Slave27 Chapter 27 Make His Mark28 Chapter 28 Eliminating Evil29 Chapter 29 Dragon Blood Pill30 Chapter 30 Dragon Blood Quenching Body31 Chapter 31 Double Major32 Chapter 32 Blood Demon Tribulation33 Chapter 33 Tiandu Sect34 Chapter 34 Uneasy Night35 Chapter 35 Go Out36 Chapter 36 Dragon Spirit37 Chapter 37 Threats38 Chapter 38 Killing39 Chapter 39 Shenbu Door40 Chapter 40 Blood poison Man41 Chapter 41 Fright of the Hua Clan42 Chapter 42 Can't Die43 Chapter 43 Arrogance44 Chapter 44 Hardly escape the catastrophe45 Chapter 45 To be a slave46 Chapter 46 Heading to the Soul Breaking Abyss47 Chapter 47 Hostage taking48 Chapter 48 Tianlou Gang49 Chapter 49 Beg to cure others.50 Chapter 50 Kill all