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Life-and-Death Elixir Emperor

Chapter 5 Overt conspiracy and bitter ploy

Word Count: 2398    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

gently, trying to get rid o

do such stupid things to poison Princess Chu Yu, so that he

handed it to Tang Mingyang, saying: "Princess Chu Yu knows that you are short o

not polite and acc

le was only a hundred or two silve

k it to buy a mansion in the city. After about half a month, Princess Chu Yu wil

t i

ay the time, and waited for Master Purple Lotus to get out of her

rderly. If you cause any trouble to ruin the thing of Prin

t you said. If you are okay, go bac

suitable for cultivation, and now he was also looking for a cultivation place. The second purpose was to p


appearance, but she just glared at him

w, and let him see how

er sleeves an

ial Arts Academy, the girls in the crowd suddenly made a

rious clothes, riding a sweaty precious horse, n

hy did I me

frowned, and turned quickly to

es saw that the young man had found her a

im. What sh

g Mingyang who was humming a little tune. So her eyes lit up, and there was a way:

and shouted, "Tang Min



t do much business, lest I spoil the affair of Princess Chu Yu." Tang Mingyang didn't even bother to


as! Tie Lanqi was s

eat beauty. If she said she needed a help, there were numerous of princes o

had no manners, but al

lp, but you h

and stretched out her jade arm. She gently hugged one of Tang Mingyang' s arms, and the pre

mmediately felt a cold killing

uth on the sweaty precious horse in the distance was gloomy on his face,


what was going on. This woman Tie

willing to endur

and found that the woman was sti

nd fierce, but it is really annoying me. You pretend to be my boyfriend. Don't t

happy to see Ta

ke that, and if I didn't give you a bite to

lose to Tang Mingyang 's ear when she was speakin

martial arts forces. There were tens of thousands of gang member

the Chu state had adopted loose supervision policies. Even with regard to Wulin's g

w that he is very cruel and are not you afraid that he will kill me in the back? Who said that to me just now, don't ca


ike this, Tie Lan

fierce personality, he rea

Tang Mingyang died and

son of the master of Green Wol

man. He was actually cruel and murderous, and was full of evil traits and killed others when he was angry. The act

lationship?" Tan

f self-protection, it was b

e. If Qing Lingfeng dared to de

poisoning skills, he had a hundred ways to let Qing Lingfe

riendships. That's all. He is c

ke him dare not to trouble me, and he won't dare to trouble yo

er me, I Tie Lan can bear them no matter how

a bitter ploy, and you need to su

ness. I promise I won't fight back or cu

e horse was over 20 meters away

son is entangled with you is nothing more than because you was born in a rich and reputable family and are a beautiful gi

s plan, a flash of teasing

you subvert

it made sense and she

can only beat you, but you can't fight back. I scold you slut, but you have to kneel and beg me. Do you know? Even the daughter of the Minister of Military Affairs was beaten by me. So he must be afraid of doi

that this plan was feasible

wants to take revenge on me, I will definitely die without a burial place. Princess Chu Yu is your bo

ang Mingyang, however,

and he was not afraid that T

eld, and count him with the chick

f your strategy doesn't wor

the benefits, and with a bi

I st

fell, he slapped directly to

enital spiritual realm, Tie Lan

retly running the innate Qi to prote

a slap i

g the man outside with me on my back!

gry. His voice was very loud

ause she was beaten by Tang Mingyang, but

beg me to f

Lan not cooperating

smiled secretly: Hem,

ong! Wrong! Woo ...

the string and

ide the crowd, frowning and watching, and had to co

on pill every time I fuck you, how can I make you

eyebrows, and Tang Mingyang'

your face with innate Qi. It looks very fake, and will be seen throug


f bitterness. Don't yo

oesn't work, I don't need Qing Lingfeng

ng. In order to act realistically, she reall


the face, she immediately felt h

for guilt! Your father is not a good thing. In order to stifle my father, he even let m

ven better. Hum, let you and Chu Y

as wrong. I wa

tears, with

had to continu

your lover if you know! I wa

r in his identity of Life-and-Death Elixir Emperor had leaked a

ng in the distance was shocke

not be able to raise such an arrogant and powerful aura, order people by such gesture


f Minister of Military Affairs wo

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1 Chapter 1 Reincarnation2 Chapter 2 Unpopular Alchemy Knowledge3 Chapter 3 Elixir was eaten by you4 Chapter 4 The poorest and luckiest man5 Chapter 5 Overt conspiracy and bitter ploy6 Chapter 6 Kneel down, very arrogant7 Chapter 7 You 're done8 Chapter 8 Golden Red Medicine Hall9 Chapter 9 Dragon-blood locust tree10 Chapter 10 The Secret of the Jin Family11 Chapter 11 Dragon Blood Battle Techniques12 Chapter 12 The Biggest Demon13 Chapter 13 Love Is Priceless14 Chapter 14 Getting the Axe15 Chapter 15 Self-inflicted, Not Alive16 Chapter 16 Jin Wanru's Talent17 Chapter 17 Alchemy of Alchemy18 Chapter 18 A Mess19 Chapter 19 Pill As Jade20 Chapter 20 Laughter and Kowtow21 Chapter 21 Get Out22 Chapter 22 Harsh Conditions23 Chapter 23 Be A Great Cause24 Chapter 24 Suspicion25 Chapter 25 Arrogance and Fury26 Chapter 26 Be a Slave27 Chapter 27 Make His Mark28 Chapter 28 Eliminating Evil29 Chapter 29 Dragon Blood Pill30 Chapter 30 Dragon Blood Quenching Body31 Chapter 31 Double Major32 Chapter 32 Blood Demon Tribulation33 Chapter 33 Tiandu Sect34 Chapter 34 Uneasy Night35 Chapter 35 Go Out36 Chapter 36 Dragon Spirit37 Chapter 37 Threats38 Chapter 38 Killing39 Chapter 39 Shenbu Door40 Chapter 40 Blood poison Man41 Chapter 41 Fright of the Hua Clan42 Chapter 42 Can't Die43 Chapter 43 Arrogance44 Chapter 44 Hardly escape the catastrophe45 Chapter 45 To be a slave46 Chapter 46 Heading to the Soul Breaking Abyss47 Chapter 47 Hostage taking48 Chapter 48 Tianlou Gang49 Chapter 49 Beg to cure others.50 Chapter 50 Kill all