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Life-and-Death Elixir Emperor

Chapter 3 Elixir was eaten by you

Word Count: 2184    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

was strangel

oudly were keenly aware that

e a ridiculous suspicion in their hearts, and then gave rise

e students looked at T

and said lazily: "Teacher, you said just ask me three que

ctful eyes, but said anxiously, "If you answer this question to my satisfacti


fact. Before he had recovered enough stren

the classroom, pointing at the boy in the first row, "That classmate w

This classmate was the boy who had showed Tang Mingyang

stomach. You don't believe it. I'll let you experience it now. It's more convi

fuse, so he walked up t

er in his hands, took a deep breath at the nose, and then gave

ouldn't ... have no harm." Qian Zhuang hesitated for a

pulse-clearing elixir. Even if Teacher Liu secretly applied the flower liquid of conch flowers, the flower is also a be

ook slightly, but he

hat it was coated with the fl

olorless and tasteless, he could find that unle

must be

at he

ons about Tang Mingyang in her heart, and just listened to wha

imaced and had

ion-tailed grass, only to feel a slightly spicy s

tomach?" Some students under the audience asked l

d and stared at Tang Mingyang ,

taken into your stomach and di

l. This person was full of nonsense. The classroom is a sacred place for missionary teaching, but how can he be all

him and pouring dirty water on Tang Mingyang . When Tang Mingyang was the prince of the T

and condemned Tang Mingyang

found that whether Tang Mingyang kept calm and was unfazed by the changes all

t kid who had no

To explain how the elixir is eaten into your stomach, this w

it was unknown that who started at first, and soon the questioning

because of nothing more than relying on the identity of the Prince of Tang Palace.

siacs and blame those girls who have no power. Do you dare to open the storage ring and

nd are there some bad things which

ure points? I'm afraid you can't even remember the most common acupun

ang Mingyang just touched

aphrodisiac, but also women's belly pockets and underpants. What these classmates had said

he command of thousands of people, but still keep hi

perament a hedonistic son

e that this testis was a hedon

was only to suppress these doubts, and then would investigate again later, so she asked again, "Tang

ents who had been bullied by Tang Mingyang we

se and heal the wound? Among the acupuncture points, the five elements of the acupuncture points are subdivided by the heavenly stems, and the five elements are defined b

he classroom. Everyone looked at him with a faint sn

mer insects e

e or two things from it, it wa

n the sky. I don't know the exact number. However, when he and I inhaled the medicinal qi of the hairyvein agrimony, lion-tailed grass, and conch flower through the nasal cavity and into the lungs, the ac

s out li

of the five elements of Yin and Yang, heavenly stems and earthly branches, and the acupuncture points of the human body were simple and clear, but they were self

to let the Qi elixir I have swallowed have a medicinal response." Qian Zhuan

you only need to stimulate the bony acupuncture point with real Qi, and the

re point was actua

ulate the bony acupuncture

eat him

nts under the

ill debunk

seemed to be a counterfeit hero, and his chest was firm,

ngs were warm. These heat flows began to spread toward the body and slowly gathered

reaction?" Some studen

on found something was wrong, and there was more and more warmth converging from his lun

long before he could bear it, and Qian Zhuang couldn't bear it,

tartled. How did Qian Zhuang look like

g, did you do

as not a shadow of Tang Mingyang on the podium. He could on

ind of epiphany. When she was touched by Qian Zhuang, she woke

it Qian Zhuang and his swea

. cut

it, fearing that he

s Tang M

at Tang Mingyang had said was very worthy of studying, and sh

om!" Said a student,

ent, who would dare to leave

rily, and an aura of majesty radiated out, so that Qian Zhuang, who had just gone to the

ed to have the class in the future if he ans

I say

frightening the other students who

es to run away from my class in the future, see h

d that the class bell had ju

iu Xuefei care a

ledge Tang Daoyang had said came, but when she cha

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1 Chapter 1 Reincarnation2 Chapter 2 Unpopular Alchemy Knowledge3 Chapter 3 Elixir was eaten by you4 Chapter 4 The poorest and luckiest man5 Chapter 5 Overt conspiracy and bitter ploy6 Chapter 6 Kneel down, very arrogant7 Chapter 7 You 're done8 Chapter 8 Golden Red Medicine Hall9 Chapter 9 Dragon-blood locust tree10 Chapter 10 The Secret of the Jin Family11 Chapter 11 Dragon Blood Battle Techniques12 Chapter 12 The Biggest Demon13 Chapter 13 Love Is Priceless14 Chapter 14 Getting the Axe15 Chapter 15 Self-inflicted, Not Alive16 Chapter 16 Jin Wanru's Talent17 Chapter 17 Alchemy of Alchemy18 Chapter 18 A Mess19 Chapter 19 Pill As Jade20 Chapter 20 Laughter and Kowtow21 Chapter 21 Get Out22 Chapter 22 Harsh Conditions23 Chapter 23 Be A Great Cause24 Chapter 24 Suspicion25 Chapter 25 Arrogance and Fury26 Chapter 26 Be a Slave27 Chapter 27 Make His Mark28 Chapter 28 Eliminating Evil29 Chapter 29 Dragon Blood Pill30 Chapter 30 Dragon Blood Quenching Body31 Chapter 31 Double Major32 Chapter 32 Blood Demon Tribulation33 Chapter 33 Tiandu Sect34 Chapter 34 Uneasy Night35 Chapter 35 Go Out36 Chapter 36 Dragon Spirit37 Chapter 37 Threats38 Chapter 38 Killing39 Chapter 39 Shenbu Door40 Chapter 40 Blood poison Man41 Chapter 41 Fright of the Hua Clan42 Chapter 42 Can't Die43 Chapter 43 Arrogance44 Chapter 44 Hardly escape the catastrophe45 Chapter 45 To be a slave46 Chapter 46 Heading to the Soul Breaking Abyss47 Chapter 47 Hostage taking48 Chapter 48 Tianlou Gang49 Chapter 49 Beg to cure others.50 Chapter 50 Kill all