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"Gentle" Judgement

Chapter 2 I Do Care

Word Count: 673    |    Released on: 14/02/2023

rothy's eyes. She could not

Fortunately, I still have you. I was so

burst ou

I couldn't have been what I am now without you. There are two vital principles in m

, he must s

d, it was his respons

words, Dorothy's cr

her vent the grievances accumu

of Alan's arms and said, "I'm okay now.

ther often tells me that she likes your smile. When you sm

Alan was her bright moon in her heart, and

irs for almost half an hour. When they

e you are. Go

ther, took Dorothy by t

an's parents would welcome her.

e meal later. I have prepared your fa

ou, Mrs. Shane. I think I can finish a

was glad to see that they

itnessed great changes. It seemed that

as about to sit beside her but was stopped by Emily. She raised he

tone of voice, "Now you're back. My mom forgets that I'm

ushed. She rarely saw that Alan

lways treat Doroth

, but Dorothy found that there were

w how to answer, he

Alan continued, "Indeed. After I get married

sauce in Dorothy's bowl. "Dorothy, ha

barrassment and ate

nce. Somehow, Dorothy felt that th

d, who kept quiet. She angr

e. And the housing mortgage has not been paid off. I thi

s mother would say so ri

ng that she must be hurt. But as his parents w

n't have my own place. The life before was bitterer than no

rowned, calling

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