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"Gentle" Judgement

Chapter 3 Meeting

Word Count: 702    |    Released on: 14/02/2023

ot good enough for Alan and might even be his hindrance. She totally un

wrong. I do not mean you. I'm just worried that Alan will b

I want to go home now to clean it up. It has been

th his parents on one side and

und to have an

"Dad, Mom. I'm full. I

e had reached the door. It seemed t

d not feel uncomfortable even if they spent an hour together without saying a

nally arrived, Dorot

ayed mo

othy felt as if they were

"Don't take what my mom said to your heart. Marria

ords. But if they could not get his parents' app

ignore his par

eing closed automatical

to say. The past three ye

he tears from his eyes. Somehow, he had a

to create a bright future for us. But if y

se he had believed that Doroth

s hand. The more eagerly he wanted t

ity. After a few minutes, a man

n, said, "Stop the car. It see

told Dorothy to stay in t

attack, and he forgot his medicine. Could

iately showed his identity, "I am a

d that she untied the

a black Audi. The man's face was pale, his lips

car. I need to take him t

Dorothy to sit with the man. "Dorothy, don't

step by step accordin

sit up. So she had to hold his shoulder with

nd, she inflexibly und

e man suddenly grabbed her hand, his ey

who was focused on driving, di

shock, her pu

nt woman who died i

nd what was his rel

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