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"Gentle" Judgement

Chapter 7 Pay with Your Life

Word Count: 547    |    Released on: 14/02/2023

tial suite on the top floor of North

the time on her pho

p breath to calm down, and then

ially designed porch with a pair o

he slippers and ti

thes, which had been purchased three years ago, as she fel

ng room with a sofa, a large LCD TV, a des

very p

ce was magnet

but bit her lower li

chair, put his hands on the desk, and

ocking on the table while staring at her a

she couldn't help asking, "

on L

. She could perceive the melancholy i

be a lo

n, the thought

e remote control

thy turned to look at it. The nex

ast. Although the corpse was mosaic, Dorot

thy, held her neck, and whispered in he

ish that I could revive her

be brought back to life. However, she was strongly aware that

's a good idea to

e gasp, fearing that

my life, but if you do it,

e and did not buy the woman's wo

scared to ope

gly. What she had heard from the TV

atching it over and over again. Do you know Lara didn't die immediately aft

ed Dorothy's face

g down, her heart ful

ime to prove your sincerity.

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