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Dirty Dianne

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1549    |    Released on: 13/02/2023

are..." He smirked. Luckily for him, she was only interested in getting paid otherwise her dagger instinct wouldn't hesitate. She burn

the money in disbe

ars?" Castro que

ul that i pitied your ungrateful a

dues and that's not what you're d

dodged. Castro was perturbed, the last thing he'd bare to see is Dianne getting killed even

e!" He urged al

contained information about the Don including financial records. "You've got everything you n

tucked his side then she proceeded after g

tle. He beamed in content, he was always certain

a major deal, something we've always dreamt of but

ut of the premises as Castro drove t



rows furrowed as well. She maintained nothing but a smirk, her fingers danced on the table. Her mind was fixed on how to teach

le in affirmation. He emptied the file on the table while Dianne sorted the documents. They looked into it circumspectly. Don Dickson's mansion and environs were mapped out, the building was heavily guarded and securities were

the papers

sith a tight smile. Her elbows were planted on the surf

ed. "What could be more exciti

ant cash but i'm fixated on the en

ree, Mason, Katrina and Dumpy, their associates.

d the documents a

below $15,000 then i'm not doing it!" Dumpy, the hugest man

heir possession. They were astonished yet each of them had distinct purposes. Dianne gave each of them a questioning look, she figured out that she wasn't the only thinking twice about t

their eyes to meet her questioning gaze. She smirked. "We have only

he seductress, the enticer, the love at first sight girlfriend, the insider and informant. Castro had always been the best at stunts and skills, he was smart and straitlaced when it was about task completion yet brutal to a few biddings. Dumpy was hug

Cash matters like that of Don Dickson was tempting but Dianne

astro asked in

everyone. Dumpy stood up to leave as well as

thinking that we

ded cringing. Katrina was a sexy brunette yet he bashed her attachments, her h

time to drag Katrina by her neatly tied pigtails, Katrina's eyes widened lookin

n and Dumpy laughed hysterically walking out

ot bloodlines, don't make

ne let her go at will, Katrina stormed o

r, she turns colder. She'd always tell herself that she deserved something flamboyant. She deserved luxury not an apartment ha

She sunk into her bed all flat staring intensely at the ceiling, her hopes of becoming wealthy and

ni gown. She opened her closet instantly, it was time for death, task and personality eviction and analysis. As a critical thinker as she'd always call herself, who's as well a proud second year law student dropout, she turned on the lights. It wasn't just a closet of clothes and shoes as expected, behind the han

on the right side with a black marker, hi

her $25,000 account balance was nothing compared to the Don's. His weal

at echoed repeatedly, she was co

down the blinds on the board then adjusted he clothes back to normal. She stormed out of the closet hesitantly. She came into view then leaned

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