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Dirty Dianne

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1799    |    Released on: 13/02/2023


questioned, she couldn't bare her mother to call her that name. Ana's face fell to the ground suddenly. How

l those nasty questions when you provide for your sister an

hould be home resting not seeking a job! Can you do what I'm doing to put food on the table?" Dianne taunted

eturn anytime...it makes me feel less of a mother! I want to know what my daughter is involved in...just a clu

've got to do to make y'all comfortable. At least, that's the least i could do for

leave then hal

the TV, i'm always not at rest. I hope i

care of you..." She began calmly while Ana tried to speak "Hush now! Keep your thoughts inside your head, i'm unto a bigger bidding. Don't interfere mot

Ana called

ot hear me


one buzzed. She peeped at it, Castro was calling. Busi

stro!" Sh

oaded but then i also got us

is response, wh

ked a cell phone she used as fake identity and contacts and tucked it into her purse then gently put down her actual phone

ked in finally. She was disappointed at her elder sister, one min

" Layla

for the white furry coat topping her black see through body con. "What do you want kitty?" She asked regar

t some..." L

ed your mother and your little self!" Dianne tucked the notes into Layla's chest while Layl


esteemed men and women flocked in frequently. Her taxi pulled over a

" He complimented

ro! Who have we got? Where's

pick first! What do you say?" Castro su

nder's counter. He ordered two glasses of scotch, there was not so much time to waste; they clinked

his directions. A man around 50 dressed in a black suit was sitting

black, huh

e to show her a a document displa

h are we talking

0 50! Anything for my Dian

e inserted a device that would enable

e when to come in!" Cast


der got there, the man looked directly at her with a faint smile. When the bartender had left, his friends smiled as w

ss than a minute, the man started in h

ion, i love its era a

aid with a beam. Her beauty engulfed him, he c

s! And yo

re!" She said

t even an answer, he wondered. She understoo

eriously." She added. He nodded positiv

y your fine smile." She opted. He waa hesitating to give h

ed his glass. I'll just get my wallet and

leaving in a

at!" He

ts, unstrapped his wrist watch and then his suit's top. Davis was left with no option

r knuckles and emerged to her shoulder, he was in hea

miled. He entered the restroom instead. She opened his wallet and took out his credit cards. Castro was at the door, he was there to collect the cards; just as planned. He handed her a some pills tha

ope it doesn't bot

Dianne added then took a sip "Let's toast t

ts with a drink!" He took a sip from his glass as well. Hi

ering to the floor. She stood up then e

idn't i? I'm y

of the room i


utside the Club whil

d to confirm if the ca

money!" He said. They smiled faintly. The

Don would be partying. Castro had gotten ticket

she was certain that once she sees him; she'd recognise the famous Don Dickson. They found themselves

spense! Is everyone set

stro?!" He teased "After tonigh

incts gave the details. Castro and Dianne gave each other and affirmative stare, a faint smile followed as well. Dianne had now seen the Do

astro asked. She snapped o

be to book appointments, initiate businesses, maneuver the securitie

, would Dianne fail to earn it?" He asked. This question was

m while the king and queen s

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