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Destiny: The Winter Princess

Destiny: The Winter Princess

Author: La_yo

Chapter 1 The Dream

Word Count: 2483    |    Released on: 18/02/2023

trees that felt like they were watching me

fighting with your own shadow

n my neck and back which s

You are weak, destiny, join us and get the powers u seek. The D

ned all around, trying to find the demo

h the wrong person" i said w

e" i added afte

ause even the heavens know I wasn't

ckingly and that was when i knew


I sat up, panting and gasping for a

at my alarm clock and saw tha

id sounded in the room and I turned to look a

ed with a smile and her hand

replied curtly

nything else?"

and told her s

n i heard the door close behind her

e muscles and I wasted no time to listen to its c

t feels

r, I couldn't help but think a

wenty minutes

ora say. "are you in

of my day dream and

n the tiled floor. As i entered my room, i found flora next to

ady?" she asked, shaking t

y know my taste flora" i sai

my favouri

because it matches with my

rning 18 tomorrow. I am the only da

always tells me that i will be a great warrior

on. Dad still blames himself for not being there with mom wh

blood out of her and eat her brain and when one was about to get me, dad saved m

d kingdom was being decorated with beautiful flowers and I stood at th

it's not safe, dad warned me to stay within our Kingd

night of my mother death, Dad made sure I kept safe and hidden in the castle.

on or when special guests are invited to the cas

supernatural powers i mean teen

dn't tell father a word about this, but the dream I had last night kept hunting me and trou

hile pushing his

s Desk with a book of how to

off his glasses. "come sit " dad said w

I peaked a little at the open book with a frown and dad quickly closed it and pushed it

hen my white hair. He looked so concerned because he knows I never cam

ares, not sleeping well "

d with a warm smile, smoothing his hand thr

my sleep, telling me th-that lucifer want

me?" i added as a sob

looking at his table like his looking for a

and then turned his

g to be fine" he replied with a tight li

ll help you sleep better and keep the Nightmares away" he added,

hing... that he knew something b

an invisible dirt from my Pj. "I'll be going to my room n

dear i advance"

plied looking

ooked up at the white ceiling. It d


ay I was in the dress room where the makeu

I looked. I smiled at my reflection and did a little twirl. The yellow mermaid go

tiful... No, scratch t

Lilly, the makeup artist said

eplied proudly with

door and walking down the hall. Today would be the first time t

ballroom. The sound of shoe against the marble floor made me turn my head aroun

mumbled against my temple and I clo

" I said w

ed. With my left hand curved around dad's,

e and whispers fill


the pri

t like

at filled my ears as I

stood awkwardly, not knowing where to go or w

s way harder

oking at me and I felt rea

me silent that even if a needle was to d

special day of my daughter, the princess

le speech and the cro

a smile. When over seventy people came to greet me, I became exhau

rink. I gulped down a glass of orange ju

for a dance, Pri

outstretched. I almost gasped at how handsome he was. His blonde hair was sl

ucking a strand of white hair behind my ea

ing his hand around mine as we move

lied putting my han

He chuckled

e he was searching for something. My heart felt like it was

e said putting my hands on his c

tifully too" I told him

was just really nervous to be dancing with a bo

r makes you loo


ds us. I stopped dancing and Kelvin looked down at me in w

lvin bowed his he

o discuss with you" dad said and I became

aid to kelvin and he

y from the crowd to

wrong" I f

stiny, I added your name among the list of teen supernatu

ht demons outside the kingdoms. when I was your age, I was

there lost in

econds before everyth

erves. "Dad did I ever told uou I would like to join the academy? I mean, yeah, I want to- but not now! And w

what my gift is. Why wou

owing that I was going to an academy filled with gifted people, I

all with a single tears rolling down my face. I could

d my yellow gown trailed along the ground. I kicked a harmle

ee where I was. It was quite and dark and the branc

leaving t

do" I sai

I held my breath in fear. I looked each sides, t

ily. I was so scared that he

st had to lea

here it was coming from. A young boy came out fro

ft hand flying to my mouth

a De

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