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Destiny: The Winter Princess

Chapter 3 Dark Room

Word Count: 1443    |    Released on: 19/02/2023

eem surprised to see me and walk

at his retreating figure in shock and I w

aid with a frown looking at th

are you staring at him, De

da" I replied with

aid before we continued on

pen, I saw lot of teen we were much if

ked Rachel as we looked

e mumbled while racing her h

I eat quietly, thinking about tomorrow's training. The thoughts of faili

or mom. To avenge

ide the big cafeteria

r mist" everyone said at once while I was s

and who is that?" I asked

know his name but he will be the one traini

it was already late. Rachel was already faat aslee

s I passed different rooms. I just kept walking, looking

ove it here I t

, I went back trying to find my way to

k room. I must have heard the sound

ut a part of me said not to go and the other suggest

wly to the room with my heart beating

ened it slowly and what I sa

years. Her blood was all over the place, she was wailing in pain as the bea

my movement. I couldn't breathe. I started cursing myself, if I onl

oze. I closed my eyes in fear that the demon might hav

it's the

oing t

er see my

y this way, it

t of courage, i turned my head a little

e. "That room its not protected with the powder" h

l she's gonna die" I whis

s place before the demon notices our

head... the blood and all. I thought this place

agic powder" he said like he just read my though

mons came or how they exi

ervant" he answer

that" he added l

d never told me" I

will he d

warned everyone not to go in

this while. Since the first time I saw him


and it quite fits him " I'm desti

feel the way your hand is shaking" lex

dded my head

ch other and I kind

t huh" he said with a chuckl

you from?"

curtly with a frown

g wrong?" I asked

me where I'm from ever again

ng to eachother untill we

nodded and left and also le

m and released a groan before taking

nked the pillow away from my head. Hesitantly, I op

dressed up" I s

So get your body up right now"

om took my shower di

day" I said facing he

ng right"

l. I saw it all" I

is allowed to go there or only if you have a

girl. Maybe she's new I gu

ot to the training hall everyo

ring out the corpses

it so I leave it be and went to th

he sword you are holding, it will give you the strength and power you

ster called and they

n and

is name, my head snapped up so fast

airing with lex, I f

she fight with deep strength but

alked in not even sparin

rom his sword. He opened his eyes and I saw it was all red I just st

me he transform in

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